Friday, September 07, 2012

"Catholic" Relief Services, or "Yoo-Hoo, Cdl. Dolan"

In 2008, a fellow named Abp. Timothy Dolan was the titular head of Catholic Relief Services.  That year, it was revealed that CRS was pushing rubbers in various programs.

Abp. Dolan's response

....“in no cases does CRS promote, purchase or distribute condoms.” But he also called for a review and on July 29th, 2008 he said CRS was withdrawing the flipchart and retaining the National Catholic Bioethics Center for future assistance.

On April 6, 2009, Archbishop Dolan told the National Catholic Register that CRS had taken it even further. “We have withdrawn the document, but we and the board of trustees of CRS didn’t want to stop there; we said, ‘Let’s make sure this mistake is never repeated. And let’s make sure that our people in the field completely comprehend, understand and appreciate the Church’s teaching when it comes to chastity,’” he said.

Sean Callahan, CRS’ executive vice president for overseas operations, told the Register that CRS’ view on condoms “is entirely consistent with His Holiness’ position.” Only three weeks earlier, the Pope had provoked controversy after his comments on condoms aboard the flight to Africa.

CRS’ response seemed so resolute that LifeSiteNews held them up as a model of swift and transparent reform in an April 8, 2009 article comparing them with the Canadian bishops’ scandal-plagued aid organization Development & Peace.


Overall, CRS’ programs seem to have a clear emphasis on abstinence and fidelity. But the organization undermines that strong message when they mention condoms as a viable option, talk about their benefits, or, God forbid, tell clients where to get them. Unfortunately, it appears that they have been doing that even after the 2008 scandal

.....fool me twice, shame on you.

Seems that +T. Dolan has a "personnel problem".  In Milwaukee, he finally managed to shut down the open sewer called the major seminary.  But he failed to do the job at "Catholic" Relief Services, just as he went sideways on the issues at the Wisconsin Catholic Conference.

Too bad.

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