Thursday, August 16, 2012

America-Hating Obozo? Yup.

About 10 minutes of indictment in a 10-minute video

If you still think Obozo is some sort of patriot, then you're beyond rescue.


  1. Yes, Obugger has no regard for the military or anyone else, and Its good to see them speak out. The more that speak out the better. I still think Obuzzer will find a way to compromise an aircraft carrier and I imagine he would notch it up to getting rid of enemies or some sort. He really hates us.

  2. I would question the patriotism of those who would besmirch their past service by lending their names to a crock of s**t like this video simply to attack the president.

    The first ten minutes states nothing but the obvious of OpSec. It mischaracterizes what the President said about the operation.

    Ben Smith: "Mr. President, you did not kill Osama bin Laden. America did." President Obama: "Tonight I can report to the American people and to the world that the United States has conducted an operation that has killed Osama bin Laden." Ben Smith is clearly a tool.

    Brian Gould: "So for someone in a support position and say, 'We killed Osama bin Laden...' No you didn't. You had nothing to do with it." Commander-in-chief (support position?): "the United States has conducted an operation that has killed Osama bin Laden." Brian Gould is clearly a tool.

    Jamie Williamson: "We even knew the name of the dog." I guess his career is over.

    "Simon": "So as soon as the word got out, we had a bunch of rats scurrying to hide." Are we to believe that al Qaeda sympathizers within the Pakistani government, military, and intelligence organizations who clearly knew it had happened almost immediately, would not have gotten the word out?

    I don't think these Swiftboaters are going to achieve their goal. I think they will be seen by the public as the dishonorable Rovian tools they are.

  3. Jim, when did you serve?

  4. You questioned their patriotism Jim.
    If someone questions a doctor's medical competency it is a fair question to ask what medical experience they have.

    SO tell us Jim, when did you serve? I mean there is no way you would question that many special operations forces patriotism if you were too chicken shit to ever don the uniform, right?

  5. So, according to Anony 4:17 p.m., if one does not serve in special ops, he is not a patriot.

    Makes sense to me. [sarcasm]

    By the way, when did you serve?

    Furthermore, is it not patriotic for an Amerian to question the validity of sources? Unless, Anony 4:17 p.m., you oppose Jim exercising his 1st Amendment right. Communist!

  6. So if you have not been commander-in-chief, how do you have the justification for questioning the patriotism of the current CINC?

    if someone questions a doctor's medical competency Medical competency is to patriotism as apples are to claymores.

    too chicken shit to ever don the uniform,

    Regardless of my prior military service, one who hasn't served is chicken shit? Mitt Romney? Dick Cheney? Your momma?

  7. Ms Plame was NOT covert when her name emerged and Ms Plame was never expected to be covert for the rest of her career.

    Further, she was not expected to go covert ever again.

    Even MORE significant: she was not revealed to have been in ops against a virulent terrorist organization--and by the way, was driving around the DC area with her husband quite openly in their Benz convertible.

    As usual, Jimbo--irrelevant, immaterial, and mostly dishonest.

  8. No Jim, I questioned your expertise. You gave me the answer I expected and proved to me everything else about you. Thank you. By the way, if you read my screen name you would have known you were being set up. ;)

  9. Ms Plame was NOT covert when her name emerged

    False: According to NBC news, "The unclassified summary of Plame's employment with the CIA at the time that syndicated columnist Robert Novak published her name on July 14, 2003 says, 'Ms. Wilson was a covert CIA employee for who the CIA was taking affirmative measures to conceal her intelligence relationship to the United States.'" [Emphasis added]

    Ms Plame was never expected to be covert for the rest of her career. According to whom and so what? Outing a spy is outing a spy.

    Further, she was not expected to go covert ever again. Again according to whom and so what. She was covert at the time she was exposed. Outing a spy is outing a spy.

    she was not revealed to have been in ops against a virulent terrorist organization Of what relevance could that possibly be? She was working on nuclear non-proliferation. Definitely not collecting international recipes.

    -and by the way, was driving around the DC area with her husband quite openly in their Benz convertible.

    Jeez. It was well known that they lived in the DC area and it was also well known that they were married. To each other. What was unknown was that she was a covert CIA agent. Does she have to be wearing cammies, a ski cap and night-vision goggles in a trench in Kandahar in order to be a covert agent? So what?

    As usual Dud29-false, wrong, and irrelevant.

  10. "Spook" said, I questioned your expertise.

    Like I give a s**t.

    You gave me the answer I expected and proved to me everything else about you.

    I'm SO impressed.

    By the way, if you read my screen name you would have known you were being set up

    Oh, I'm sorry. Does your "screen name" suggest you are a spy? Wow, now I'm shaking in my boots. I thought "Spook" referred to something else.

    "Did it ever occur to you, Meredith, that maybe I set you up?"

  11. Time to ban Jim.

  12. I second that,
    Time to ban Jim.

  13. Yes, Jim should be banned, especilly because he is..RACIST!

  14. Why ban Jim? Because he doesn't agree with you? He's bringing thoughfful discourse to a ComBox that usually gets taken over by mindless trolls these days.

    Don't like people who disagree with you? Bring something of value to the discussion to refute him. Use your brain.

    It's easy to call names. Children do it all the time.

    My two cents.

  15. J. Strupp...Why ban Jim. He's bringing thoughtfful discouse. Surely, you jest. He was originally asked a simple, very clear question. He blew it off in nonprofessional manner. People are calling for him to be banned because he is not acting like an adult. Which is they reason I am challenging your judgement.

  16. He was originally asked a simple, very clear question. He blew it off in nonprofessional manner.

    I blew it off because it was irrelevant.

    "nonprofessional manner"?

    WTF is that supposed to mean? Am I supposed to accord you some "professional" courtesy when you question my qualifications for stating an opinion?

    People are calling for him to be banned because he is not acting like an adult.

    This is RICH! What exactly qualifies as acting like an adult here? And I don't recall seeing the handle "Spook" here before, so how would you have any idea how I am acting based on my non-answer to an irrelevant question?

    Hey, team! What exactly did I say that was RACIST!? Come on. What was it?

  17. As for the original blatherblog from grandad29...did you read what Admiral McRaven had to say about Obozo? I'll take his estimation of what kind of CINC Obozo is over the unpatriotic clowns in the video.

  18. You mean the Admiral who has his ass on the line in Afghanistan? Iraq?

    Or on a desk in DC?

    Never mind.

    Obozo is just another narcissistic Statist whose allegiance is to a "Greater Cause" than our country.

  19. Banning Jim? Nope.

    Need him to remind us of what Lefties really are. He's a monument, so to speak.

  20. I'm still waiting for an explanation of how what I wrote was racist.


  21. Go fuck yourself, Jim.

  22. Go fuck yourself, Jim.

  23. Go fuck yourself, Jim.

  24. Anon (too CS to give a name) 10:08, 5:36, 7:30) - I'm sorry, you'll have to demonstrate the procedure since you are apparently familiar with it.

    I'm trying to find out why I'm called a racist so that I can learn and change my ways.

  25. Your use of the term "spook" to infer another poster was African-American.

    Now go fuck yourself.

  26. Gotcha, asshole!

    I did no such thing. You are the racist.

    My post was pure snark. We were discussing security and intelligence topics and somebody posts as "Spook"? What a subtle clue! And then "Spook" suggests I missed the "significance" of his screen name. Duh!

    YOU are the one associating the word "Spook" with an African-American.

    You are the racist.

    Did it every occur to you, Meredith, that maybe I set YOU up?

    Now go fuck yourself, racist. I'm sure you know how.

  27. Right, fuckface. Because being of mixed race, I was never called that by oh-so-tolerant leftists while on the either coast.

    Niw run along and go fuck yourself, you racist piece of gutter trash.

  28. I still need you to show me how you do it.

  29. Try Google, racist gutter trash.

  30. Suggested reading about "Dishonorable Disclosures".

  31. Jim, did you serve?

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Spook, why am I a racist?

  34. Jim Spice..JS...J. Strupp...Joe Strupp. Nice to see that Media Matters is here.

  35. You do know, Anony, that Media Matters basically posts full clips of what politicians and pundits say and point out where what they say is false or deceptive or how some media has edited comments in order to deceive.

    Or do you subscribe to the Newt Gingrich "if anyone posts a video of what I said, they are lying" defense?

    I'd be happy to view any Media Matters post that you believe is inaccurate. And I'm talking about an article, post or video, not whether or not they get a dime from Soros.

  36. Thank you for your comments. Joe
