Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Zimmerman Prosecution Stench

Not only will Zimmerman be acquitted in about 5 minutes for lack of evidence--thus FLA will have wasted around $200K in putting this crap into the system.

It's worse--FAR worse.

Telling the FBI that he was concerned that people inside the police department were leaking information, Serino cited Sgt. Arthur Barnes, officers Rebecca Villalona and Trekelle Perkins “as all pressuring him to file charges against Zimmerman after the incident,” an FBI report said. “Serino did not believe he had enough evidence at the time to file charges.”
Serino, a 15-year veteran of the department who was a major-crimes investigator, was demoted last month to overnight patrol.  --AOSHQ quoting Miami Herald

Buy.  More.  Ammo.

More at the AmSpec 

"Gibreath acknowledged that the State had no evidence to contradict the conclusion that Trayvon Martin was the aggressor and threw the first punch, and no evidence to contest that Mr. Zimmerman was headed back to his car when Mr. Martin attacked him."

Makes no difference to the rotten pile of "justice" festering in FLA courtrooms and DA offices.


  1. "Serino, a 15-year veteran of the department who was a major-crimes investigator, was demoted last month to overnight patrol."

    Post hoc, ergo propter hoc?

  2. Saint Revolution7/15/2012 9:06 AM

    There is nowhere in The USofA that Zimmerman and/or his wife could, would, or will get a fair trial.

    You can add Zimmerman RailRoad as the fifth railroad on a monopoly board.

    Black sympathy paid for by reverse discrimination and corrupt DAs/cops with career/political agendas.

    More government pukes to exorcise...

  3. Saint Revolution7/15/2012 9:16 AM

    "...Post hoc, ergo propter hoc?..."?!

    "After this, therefore because of this?"?!


    Jim, get your Latin-wannabe head out of your barely-speak-English derrière.

    Makes ABSOLUTELY no sense.

    JimComBox as usual.

  4. Sorry that went over your head, San Torum.

  5. Not likely that it went over his head.

    You simply do not understand the maxim that there is NO SUCH THING as co-incidence in politics.

    But then, your combox repartee speaks for itself, as SR asserts.

  6. Saint Revolution7/15/2012 3:52 PM

    TO: Jim 7/15/2012 10:24 AM:

    Hey Fr. Transparent:

    How many web pages with Latin phrases did you have to visit before you could find a Latin phrase that you could cut and paste that you thought would make yourself look more intelligent, refined, and informed than you really are, Shakespeare-im?

    By the by, Jickens, "santorum" (not, "San Torum") is an presently unaccepted coined word having duality of meaning (that's two separate distinct definitions, ConeHead) originally coined by the gay community.

    You're not using any proper context of the "un-word".

    Ji(s)m - our bookworm bankgster blogger butt borer.

    Have a nice day, Mrs. DeGroot.

  7. Jeebus, you're dense!

    BTW, I use that Latin phrase all the time, not having to look it up. It's quite appropriate anytime someone assumes a causal relationship when no evidence of such exists.

  8. Wow, the Marxist knows some latin, wow thats impressive Jim. Great effort on your part!

    Stalin would be disappointed how your party has become so inept. Failure to produce evidence for the people's show-trial would be immediate gulag time.

  9. Saint Revolution7/17/2012 10:26 PM

    TO: Jim 7/15/2012 6:03 PM:

    Serino demoted from Major-Crimes to overnight patrol after ~15 years?

    Just HAPPENS to be at this point in Serino's work history?'re implying NO causal relation between that and Serino's wantoness to NOT file charges when the OTrauma corruptocrats want a railroad victim for their race war?!

    Are you high, Jim?!

    Jim, I have read, over and over, your pathetic excuses for responses throughout Dad29. You always justify liberal with the weakest twists on the facts.

    However, this one tears it. Even YOU cannot believe it is just coincidence. In all the ~15 years Serino could have been demoted it just HAPPENS to be now...and there is no causal relation?

    Jim, I loathe banks, bankgsters, politicians, and all pubic serpents. Aside from that personal opinion, however, it is terribly atrociously obvious why banks are so fucked up if people like you with your fucked up logic are making internal decisions within the unholy halls of these too-big-to-nail sooey-pigs-for-jail corrupt behemoths.

    Man, oh, live. There are just no words for the liberal ignorance and stupidity...

    P.S. Zimmerman and his wife are being railroaded. May as well put them on border patrol during the Bush years.

  10. you're implying NO causal relation between that and Serino's wantoness to NOT file charges when the OTrauma corruptocrats want a railroad victim for their race war?!

    For all we know it was because he tried to fuck the precinct captain in the ladies' room. There is no indication of causality provided in the Miami Herald article. If the Herald knew, they would have reported it. That's called news. Causality is inferred by the AOSHQ with no supporting evidence. That's called bullshit. The bullshit was picked up by Dad. That's called stupid.

    Are you high, Jim?!

    Not when I wrote that.

    it is terribly atrociously obvious why banks are so fucked up if people like you with your fucked up logic are making internal decisions within the unholy halls of these too-big-to-nail sooey-pigs-for-jail corrupt behemoths.

    What an ignorant asshole you are! Banks employ risk managers, investment traders, loan doc specialists, administrative assistants, librarians, web masters, tellers and window fuckin' washers (who do you think keeps the hand prints off the glass doors at the headquarters?).

    This month I was demoted to the streets after 37 years. What's your logic for that?

  11. Saint Revolution8/08/2012 1:25 AM

    TO: Jim 7/18/2012 10:08 PM:

    What's YOUR'S? You're the one who lost the job. You're the one closest to the situation.

    Did YOU, "...fuck the precinct captain in the ladies' room..."? I doubt it...

    Did you simply screw up? Believe it or not, I doubt that also...

    If not, how can you then NOT share my feelings towards banks?

    After 37 years, you're on the street, assumably through no fault of your own?

    It's called, "betrayal", Jim. You've been "betrayed" by those you trusted.

    Just like we Americans have been betrayed by the banks we (never really) trusted and the government we (never) trusted...self-serving behemoths that are SUPPOSED to work for The People.

    So now join the club.

    What does it take for you California liberals to see the light?

    ...and I'm the "...ignorant asshole..." 'cuz I only deal in facts and TRUTH that you cannot handle...?!

    I know professional people that have been unemployed for over 4 years...through absolutely no fault of their own.

    You've been betrayed, Jim.

    Wake up.

    Even Civil War Confederate soldiers eventually realized the error of backing the wrong horse.

    If you choose to reamin loyal to your betrayers, you deserve everything you get.
