Monday, July 16, 2012

"Somebody Built It For You...."

Obozo ought to know.  Two days of campaigning, followed by a day of golf.

Somebody built that golf-course for him, you know.  He didn't do that on his own.

Thus today's chapter of "Solving Economic Problems" ends, students:  campaign, then golf.  That's the ticket!!!


  1. Campaigning and golf?
    American Jobs?
    American Manufacturing?
    Less taxes?
    Less Government?
    Less ruling class perks?
    Less statism?
    Less tolitarianism?

    This is why we have the Obama Economy.
    We have to get rid of this miserable failure of a leader out of the oval office soon.

    "Only 23% of US Companies Plan to Hire in Next 6 Months; "Lights Out" Moment Coming Up"

    US Manufacturing ISM Contracts for First Time in Three Years; New Orders and Prices Plunge; Perfect Miss: 0 of 70 Economists Polled By Bloomberg Expected Contraction

    Case for US and Global Recession Right Here, Right Now; Recognizing the Limits of Madness; Permabears?

    "Obama's new plan to fleece taxpayers"

    The main issue in this election is not whether the glass is half full, or half empty. It's over basic ownership of the glass. We seem to be for sale by our leaders.

    We the People don't seem to own much anymore. Instead our miserable leaders" are even off shoring fundraising, including Obama's fund-raiser plans (Not a surprise) in communist China.

  2. Saint Revolution7/16/2012 10:48 AM

    TO: Anonymous 7/16/2012 8:36 AM:

    FINALLY an Anonymous worth reading!

    Excellent post!

    ...and dead on the mark!

  3. Saint Revolution7/16/2012 11:26 AM

    Let's see.

    Walker people ARRRESTED, charged, and John Doe'd over, in the end, a few lousy eMails.

    DemBarrett's DemHag of an old DemCrone of a DemWife sends campaign eMails for her LibHusband/LibMoron during her parasite public teacher days...nothing happens.

    Federal politicians, ALL PARTIES, decade after decade, campaigning FOR MONTHS when we are paying them to WORK.

    If a private sector employee looks for a new job on his present job time and is caught, he is officially reprimanded and/or fired. Hell, if a present employer simply finds out a present employee is looking for a new job, it, many times, spells blackball curtains.

    Campaigning is simply seeking a next job.

    How is it again that it is OK for $400,000 per year Presidents and $174,000 per year CongressCraps to look for their next job on our employment nickel?

    How is that again?

    Why has this heinous infraction of public employment trust been ignored and never been addressed...for decades?


    $200/hour of my money to campaign and play golf?

    Sporchi dannati dell'inferno-maiali, servitori di Satana. Possano essere tutti dannati.

    Maiali bastardi.

  4. You do realize Timmy that the globaleconomicananalysis links do NOT in any way, shape, or form point to Obama regarding the status of our current economy, as you sadistically enjoying doing; rather, it points to European debt crisis, Chinese and Brazilian "overheating" in their own economies, and a host of other factors.

    Moreover, the author (from California, the den of Satan!) of the site works in financial activities similar to Warren Buffet. And we all know how you despise his strategies. Tsk, tsk, tsk, associating with the enemy!

    "Walker people ARRRESTED, charged, and John Doe'd over, in the end, a few lousy eMails."

    I didn't know that the investigation had ended.

    "DemBarrett's DemHag of an old DemCrone of a DemWife sends campaign eMails for her LibHusband/LibMoron during her parasite public teacher days...nothing happens."

    Not quite. A Media Tracker's article assertwed that her emails were a violation of the MPS Employee Code of Ethics. They asked us to believe that these three emails had been a "political donation." The reporter also uses the phrase "gross misuse of resources." Three emails?
    Compare the content of Ms. Barrett's emails with the proscribed activities. None of the emails are "contributions" either in "financial resources" or "donated services," nor do any of the emails contain attachments of "political or campaign materials."

    "If a private sector employee looks for a new job on his present job time and is caught, he is officially reprimanded and/or fired."

    Then I suggest don't get caught.

    ya bokhesh...

    "How is it again that it is OK for $400,000 per year Presidents and $174,000 per year CongressCraps to look for their next job on our employment nickel?"

    Reasonable suggestions, Timmy?

  5. Tell me why shouldn't Obama be impeached, indicted, tried, convicted and imprisoned"?

  6. Aiding and abetting the murder of a federal law enforcement officer during the performance of his duties

  7. Or for lying under oath during his inauguration.

  8. Anon @ 404. No evidence whatsoever of that. None. Nada. Zip.

  9. Anon @4:24. Prove it.

  10. Jim,
    Obama is using executive privilege to hide the evidence that the White House knowingly allowed high powered weapons to be transported across the border to criminal gangs with full knowledge that the gangs would use those weapons to run drugs into the United States.

  11. Anon 6:14

    You clearly are reading all the right wing rags and watching Fox News without referring to any legitimate news sources.

    First, the basics:

    1. There is no evidence that the two weapons found in the vicinity of the border guard's body were the murder weapons.

    2. The weapons were purchased legally and transferred legally and so the BATF "allowed" what was legal.

    3. The White House didn't knowingly "allow" anything.

    4. The White House exerted executive privilege basically to tell the car thief to go fuck himself.

    Here's a non Fox source.

  12. Jim,

    I think this is your News source....

  13. Saint Revolution7/17/2012 9:44 PM

    TO: Ann 7/16/2012 12:56 PM:

    ...ya bokhesh, huh?

    AnnFascist...graduate of the covert illegal absolutely corrupt Obama Youth AmeriCorps.

    Si dovrebbe fare attenzione, Ann.

  14. Nobody disputes that suspected straw purchasers under surveillance by the ATF repeatedly bought guns that eventually fell into criminal hands. Issa and others charge that the ATF intentionally allowed guns to walk as an operational tactic. But five law-enforcement agents directly involved in Fast and Furious tell Fortune that the ATF had no such tactic. They insist they never purposefully allowed guns to be illegally trafficked. Just the opposite: They say they seized weapons whenever they could but were hamstrung by prosecutors and weak laws, which stymied them at every turn.

    Jimbo, that's from YOUR source.

    IOW, the ATF actually DID allow "straw purchasers"--that is, illegal purchases.


    Blaming the rest on 'laws, prosecutors, (etc.) is pasting candy on a pile of shit.

    It was Holder's plan to sell guns to STRAW PURCHASERS--which is flat-out illegal.

    I know. It's hard to understand basic stuff like that, Jimbo.

  15. Jim,

    According to Federal Law the weapon does not have to be the one that fired the round that killed the agent. All weapons at the scene are considered to be contributors to the act. And all providers of the weapons are considered to be accessories to the act.

    Also keep in mind that there is no statute of limitations on the murder of a federal agent. Eventually we will have a non-complicate AG in office with access to the documents that the President is hiding.

    I do not watch Fox news or CNN. I do not follow Limbaugh or Huffington. I served in a federal law enforcement role and the death of an agent MUST be fully investigated and resolved. Period. End of story. Anyone who blocks any aspect of the investigation must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

  16. Dad said:

    IOW, the ATF actually DID allow "straw purchasers"--that is, illegal purchases.

    Read for comprehension, Dad...

    "Customers can legally buy as many weapons as they want in Arizona as long as they're 18 or older and pass a criminal background check. There are no waiting periods and no need for permits, and buyers are allowed to resell the guns."

    IOW, "straw purchases" are NOT illegal. If ATF HAD intervened, you guys would have been yelling "Second Amendment" like your hair was on fire.

    It was Holder's plan to sell guns to STRAW PURCHASERS--which is flat-out illegal.

    There is no evidence whatsoever that Holder had any such plan. None. Furthermore, neither ATF agents nor Holder sold anything to anybody. Gun dealers legally sold guns to legal purchasers, which is, uh, flat-out legal.

    I know it's hard to understand basic stuff like that, Dad.

  17. Anon 10:24 said:

    And all providers of the weapons are considered to be accessories to the act.

    So the AZ gun dealers who legally sold the weapons to legal buyers are accessories? Go get 'em.

    Eventually we will have a non-complicate [sic] AG in office with access to the documents that the President is hiding.

    To find what? An Obama/Holder plot to murder the border guard so as to build outrage against guns and overturn the Second Amendment?

    Anyone who blocks any aspect of the investigation must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

    There is no evidence that the communications subject to executive privilege have anything to do with the investigation of the murder.

    Where the hell are you guys getting all this stuff? From the car thief?

  18. 1) By definition, it is a "straw purchase" when the buyer is NOT buying the weapons for his own use or collection; rather, that he buys them to re-sell or on behalf of another person/persons. That is the definition, and that's what happened.

    2) There is no evidence of knowledge because the President, covering his ass and that of his racist-bigot-slimeball AG, has illicitly declared all the evidence to be "privileged."

    3) Dealer(s) knew that there were straw-purchases occurring and notified ATF. ATF specifically told the dealers to continue with the transactions b/c there was some sort of 'operation' going on. That's on-record testimony.

    That "operation" was "Fast & Furious."

    I'll grant you this: it is hard to believe that Obozo and his racist-bigot-slimeball AG are so f*&^ing stupid.

  19. "Screw You" is not a valid reason to assert executive privilege. They are claiming the ability to receive advice freely but have also stated that the White House knew nothing about Fast and Furious. So either they are lying or they are usurping the constitution. Since Obama is a constitutional scholar, I am left with no choice but to assume a lie and cover up.

  20. Dad...

    1) Yes that is the definition and that's what happened, but straw purchases are not illegal in Arizona.

    2) Probable cause to suspect this of either Holder or the White House? The car thief's conspiracy theory?

    3) That's on-record testimony. On the other hand the Fortune article states "But five law-enforcement agents directly involved in Fast and Furious tell Fortune that the ATF had no such tactic. They insist they never purposefully allowed guns to be illegally trafficked."

    They are claiming the ability to receive advice freely but have also stated that the White House knew nothing about Fast and Furious. So either they are lying or they are usurping the constitution.

    Your "logic" does not compute.
