Monday, July 23, 2012

Bernardin's Legacy: Obozo

No surprises here.

If anything, this stuff underlines the warnings of Windswept House, a "faction" book written by Malachi Martin.


  1. Thank you SO MUCH for posting this. It led me to read about Saul Alinsky in Wikipeia

    It makes sense that the Catholic church would support Obama's efforts in this manner since his purpose was to organize the poor and hopeless in order to better their lives and communities.

    Isn't that a prime purpose of the Church? Isn't that what Jesus would do?

    Read the Wikipedia article. Please. Alinsky wasn't a communist. He was a teacher, writer, and organizer.

    Did you know that Freedom Works, the Tea Party organization associated with David Koch, Dick Armey, Jean Kirkpatrick, Bill Bennett, and Steve Forbes gives Alinsky's Rules for Radicals to its top leadership members? A shortened version is distributed to their entire network. The tactic used to fight the healthcare reform in 2009 of showing up in town hall meetings to shout down legislators sympathetic to reform? Classic Alinsky.

    Your linked article is a huge fail.

  2. This is the same GEORGE NEUMAYR that wrote wonderful articles about Cardinal Wuerls abuse and suspension of a fine orthodox priest named Fr. Marcel Guarnizo.

    Cardinal Wuerl's Dereliction of Duty

    Cardinal Wuerl's Open Scandal

    Cardinal Wuerl's Continuing Crisis

    is Cardinal Wuerl going to be like Cardinal Bernadin?

  3. Jim, What is wrong with you, is no small thing. Your Evil.

  4. Oh Phyllis Schlafly wrote this piece with George Neumayr

    Hey Schlafly has a great piece on Obozos Outsourcing of Jobs and stimulating oversees companies.
    Please read this, it will make you want to puke.

    "Let's Talk About Outsourcing"

  5. Isn't that a prime purpose of the Church?


  6. Your Evil

    My evil what?

  7. Malachi Martin? More like Malachi Crunch...

  8. Another part Bernadin's Legacy: Bishop Kicanis

    Dr. John Haas of the National Catholic Bioethics Center points finger at Kicanis for Catholic Relief Services scandal.

    Kicanis is from Chicago and he is not a pizza.
