Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Yoo Hoo!! Abp. Listecki!!!

So--because the Racine County Clerk did not SEE it happen--there will be no prosecutions.


A Racine area organization with ties to both the Democratic Party and a Chicago-based community-organizing group may have violated Wisconsin election law late last week. Two churches that are part of the liberal-leaning Racine Interfaith Coalition hosted early voting events in which food was offered in an apparent inducement to encourage voters to cast early ballots for the June 5 recall election. A third church told Media Trackers that it was coordinating voter turnout efforts with the Democratic Party.

The Racine Interfaith Coalition is an association of some faith communities in the Racine area. It is directly tied to WISDOM, a statewide community-organizing group, and the Gamaliel Foundation in Chicago, which formerly employed President Barack Obama as an organizer. Jane Witt, the chairperson of the Democratic Party of Racine County sits on the coalition’s board.

You can read the rest.

Some Catholic parishes are part of the group:

Cristo Rey, Sacred Heart, St Patrick, and St. Richard of Chichester, run by (respectively) Frs. A. Thomas, R. Crewe, A. Thomas (he has two parishes) and R. Gramza.

The Archbishop of Milwaukee had plenty of warnings about Gamaliel and WISDOM, going back to when Abp. Dolan was here.  Aiding and abetting criminal voting enterprises is NOT something that the Archbishop of Milwaukee needs at this time.

Get those parishes out of WISDOM, Abp. Listecki.  Now would be a good time.


  1. Pssh. There's an Islamic community center in Madistan that had a Vinehout sign up in their window for quite a while. (It might still be there, but I haven't been past in a few weeks.) Nonpartisanship and election law is only enforced for Catholics.

  2. and then the Archbishop has to deal with the festering cesspool of Jesuits too!


  3. "A Racine area organization with ties to both the Democratic Party and a Chicago-based community-organizing group may have violated Wisconsin election law late last week."

    Interesting, however, in an EXACT situation Wisconsin Right To Life was not charged...by a (D) DA.



  4. Wrong, AnonyBreath.

    The situations are NOT 'exact', nor even close.

    RTL offered a pizza to its OWN volunteers if those volunteers were able to 'get out the vote.'

    That's FAR different from offering pizza directly to the voters themselves.

    Even AnonyBreath can see that, right?

  5. Good Morning,

    It is a very good morning because Govenor Scot Walker won last night!

    It's now time to implement national right-to-work laws and put an end to public union collective bargaining nationally.

    A Letter from FDR Regarding Collective Bargaining of Public Unions written August 16, 1937.

    ......All Government employees should realize that the process of collective bargaining, as usually understood, cannot be transplanted into the public service. It has its distinct and insurmountable limitations when applied to public personnel management.

    The very nature and purposes of Government make it impossible for administrative officials to represent fully or to bind the employer in mutual discussions with Government employee organizations.

    Particularly, I want to emphasize my conviction that militant tactics have no place in the functions of any organization of Government employees.

    A strike of public employees manifests nothing less than an intent on their part to prevent or obstruct the operations of Government until their demands are satisfied. Such action, looking toward the paralysis of Government by those who have sworn to support it, is unthinkable and intolerable..........

  6. Yoo Hoo! Abp. Dolan!!!


  7. "RTL offered a pizza to its OWN volunteers if those volunteers were able to 'get out the vote.'"

    "That's FAR different from offering pizza directly to the voters themselves."

    Read the law, Dad29. Carefully. An inducement is an inducement is an inducement.

  8. Yah, sure.

    That's why the DA prosecuted....

    oh, wait....

    Maybe the DA can't read the law, eh?

    Why don't you school him, AnonyBreath?
