Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Corporate Welfare, Green Version

I don't care if it's Goldman, JPMorgan, or the GreenWeenies.  It's welfare, simple.  And in this case, probably illegal.

New emails provided to Congress show substantial White House involvement in directing Department of Energy subsidized loans to BrightSource Energy, a company that received a $1.6 billion loan guarantee from the government to build the world's largest solar power plant in the Mojave Desert.

... These emails reveal that Jonathan Silver, executive director of the Energy Department's loan guarantee program, was helping draft a letter from John Bryson, chairman of the board of BrightSource Energy, to then-White House Chief of Staff William Daley requesting help in obtaining the loan. These emails were written from Silver's personal account during business hours.

Oh, really??

It would have been improper for a government official to have assisted an applicant for a government loan program using a government computer on government time. But it's impossible to believe that using a nongovernmental account makes the action appropriate. Indeed, it appears to be an effort to conceal an unseemly activity.

Silver's email to Woolard stated, "My comments/changes are interspersed. I've tried to turn this into a memo that we can all support as drafted. I have to be honest and say that its [sic] off-target."

Not only "off-target", fella...

Silver then suggested exactly how the beggar applicant could receive expedited service from the taxpayers  Government.



  1. Hello,

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  2. I laugh at the ignorance of those that have been led to believe that reducing corporate tax rates is "corporate welfare". Because the real corporate welfare is donating to a politician who takes our money and hands it to his donors in the name of whatever vogue concept du jour is vollying across the court of accomplice media.

