Saturday, May 05, 2012

The (Manufactured) "Bp. Jenky Crisis"


Did that Bishop really call Obozo a 'Hitler' or 'Stalin'?

In the late 19th century, Bismarck waged his ‘Kulturkampf,’ a Culture War, against the Roman Catholic Church, closing down every Catholic school and hospital, convent and monastery in Imperial Germany.

Clemenceau, nicknamed ‘the priest eater’, tried the same thing in France in the first decade of the 20th Century.

Hitler and Stalin, at their better moments, would just barely tolerate some churches remaining open, but would not tolerate any competition with the state in education, social services, and health care.

In clear violation of our First Amendment rights, Barack Obama — with his radical, pro-abortion and extreme secularist agenda, now seems intent on following a similar path.


There's a reason that the MFM is losing readers, viewers, and money.


  1. Rightly or wrongly, most people don't disconnect the other things Hitler and Stalin did from their evil atrocities perpetrated on humans and humanity.

    As a result, any comparison to one of these two will almost always bring to mind their most vile acts and policies. Sometimes by intent; sometimes not.

    The good bishop DID indeed compare Obama to Hitler and Stalin.

    Now the question is why? Oh, I know. See above paragraph-"As a result...". I think the intent is clear.

  2. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. A lesson liberals, sadly, don't seem to learn.

  3. Yes, the intent is very, very clear.

    And Statism--no matter who perpetrates it--leads to atrocities, no matter who perpetrates it.

    Like, e.g., free baby-killing and elderly-killing, both features (but not benefits) of ObozoCare.

  4. Like, e.g., free baby-killing and elderly-killing, both features (but not benefits) of ObozoCare.

    Atrocious lies.

  5. Jim,

    Abortion denial ?

    Under the most Pro-abortion President ever?

    Tell you what, just take a look at this video for youself and try to sleep tonight.

    Are you a coward?

  6. Abortion denial ?


    Under the most Pro-abortion President ever?

    How so?

    Are you a coward?

    No. Are you?

    I don't need to look at your video. I've witnessed an abortion, in person. I've witnessed a hysterectomy, too. Both are medical procedures. I never lost a minute's sleep over either. What's your point?

  7. Jim said "Like, e.g., free baby-killing and elderly-killing, both features (but not benefits) of ObozoCare.

    Atrocious lies."

    Jim, They are anything but attrocious lies. Have you looked at the HHS mandate?, it covers drugs that DO cause abortions such as Plan B & ella.
    Also, there are "death panels" in ObamaCare & with the current state of medicare you will soon see them operating.

  8. Have you looked at the HHS mandate?, it covers drugs that DO cause abortions such as Plan B & ella.

    "DO" is an inaccurate word. "May" is more accurate. Regardless, these are legal drugs which a woman can choose or not choose to use. No "baby-killing" is involved one way or the other. Since these are medical decisions, they are part of health care, and therefore should be covered by a woman's health care insurance.

    Regardless of your wild and false claim, there are no "death panels" in Obamacare any more than there are death panels in your private insurance companies today which decide who to cover, what to cover, and how long to cover it. Since the government is not profit-driven, I'll go with them.

  9. Posted under abortion.

    There are many walking wounded among us & here is a post by a very brave lady.
