Sunday, May 27, 2012

Bishops Should Prepare to Lose Their Suit

Well, here's a cheery note......

...There's a very good reason why the ACLU and its Supreme Court enablers like William O. Douglas, William Brennan, John Paul Stevens, David Souter, and Sandra Day O'Connor serve up their free-exercise-for-atheists burgers on establishment clause buns: in an establishment clause dispute, there's no need to prove coercion or present empirical evidence of any kind.  Speculation will do just fine.  Gin up an advisory opinion that a concealed purpose to endorse religion is trampling non-adherents' free exercise rights, and bingo! -- case closed.  No real-world effect need apply.
Real free exercise suits are a whole different ballgame.  To help put the establishment clause on steroids, the Court found it useful to starve the free exercise clause into a kick-sand-in-my-face weakling.  So it would be almost shocking to see a free exercise complaint about something besides unemployment benefits -- a social justice issue that pushes its very own progressive hot button -- actually succeed...

... A laughably narrow definition of "inculcate" -- one that mirrors Obama's habitual substitution of "freedom of worship" for "freedom of religion" -- seems to be the cause of this misalignment.  If the Supreme Court's progressives have done nothing else, they've worked overtime to sell the notion that virtually any religious expression that might possibly be construed as an "endorsement" of religion "inculcates" religion by coercing religious minorities....

Here's the nut of it:

...Any Catholic organization that refuses to provide coverage for contraceptives, abortion, and sex-change operations for religious reasons is by definition inculcating religion.  The Supreme Court told us so, because as the mandate's defenders have dutifully reminded us, denying such coverage in the name of moral conscience not only "endorses" religion, but "coerces" hapless women to be Catholics....

And THAT'S how the bastards plan to win.

Until they meet the REAL resistance, of course.....


  1. Will the church tell SCOTUS and POTUS to go to Hell? The only way they win this (and thus turn the tide against both Obamacare and the encroachment of Government-as-God) is to do so. To cave is to bring on their own demise.

    "The Last Great Act of Defiance" may now be at hand. They plan to destroy religion anyway. May as well go down fighting.

    Health insurers would be wise to do the same.

  2. The action's already started:

    the Catholic bishops of the United States are now preparing Catholics for what may be the most massive campaign of civil disobedience in this country since the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and early 1960s.

    “Some unjust laws impose such injustices on individuals and organizations that disobeying the laws may be justified,” the bishops state in a document developed to be inserted into church bulletins in Catholic parishes around the country in June.

    “Every effort must be made to repeal them,” the bishops say in the document, which is already posted on the website of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. “When fundamental human goods, such as the right of conscience, are at stake, we may need to witness to the truth by resisting the law and incurring its penalties.”

    Molon Labe!

  3. I see some problems here: 1) there are enough Catholics who disagree with Church doctrine on birth control and enough people in the Church who think Obamacare is a "good" thing that this may be a difficult action for the Church. 2) The media and Leftists will scream bloody murder over this and demand the removal of tax-exempt status. Also expect the same kind of actions against the Church that we saw against Walker in Madison last year.

    Count on it. it is already being orchestrated from the White House.

    Is the Church's resolve strong enough? Will other denominations support the Church (hint - Baptists, I think would be likely. Lesbyterians, Methodists, UCC and Lutherans...probably not; those four being long-ago undermined by the Left)?

  4. Umnnhhh...only 1/3 of the Colonists supported the American Revolution, too.

    I'm sure that the Bishops (who are VERY late to the "Socialism is Evil" party--are aware that they are 42 points behind and in the 4th quarter.

    SOME Lutherans will be with us; MOST Mormons will, and yes--I think the Baptists (and a bunch of the non-denominationals) will be on board, too.

    But my guess is that Obozo will back down, somehow, if it comes to a brawl.

    Beyond that, ObozoCare may not survive SCOTUS either.

  5. Agreed. And regarding SCOTUS and Obamacare, I am still hearing "repeal and replace". There are too many words there...If you know what I mean.

  6. Even your favorite nut job Allen West wants to keep some of "Obamacare".

    I knew this would happen if SCOTUS didn't follow precedent or Obama lost the election. The GOP will tweak it and then take credit for the whole thing.

  7. Better f-ing not.

    Repeal,Repeal, Repeal.

  8. What's the under/over for "REAL resistance" here? Shutting down all Catholic charities in the US? Interdict? Something else?

  9. Cdl Dolan has mentioned closing all Catholic hospitals, albeit in another context.

    May be sit-ins; may be something else. Won't be armed.

  10. "What's the under/over for "REAL resistance" here?"

    Or the under/over on whether sticking one's neck out on the bishops' urging will prove to be good stewardship of one's head?

  11. Dad,

    Have you read this one?

    "The Bishops are Being Played. Like Cheap Fiddles."

    She is absolutely right you know.
    Here read this:

    ............Listen, you fools. YOU DON'T SHUT ANYTHING DOWN. You keep going exactly as you have been, and you force those dirty rotten SOBs to literally storm your hospitals and shut YOU down at gunpoint. And I'm not kidding. Make them physically shut down your hospital by dragging you out at gunpoint. Make them physically shut down your schools. Make them shut down your university by force because you won't cover abortions in your student health plan. Make them physically shut down your soup kitchens. Make them shut down your adoption agencies because you won't hand a baby boy over to two men who like to jam various and sundry body parts up each others' rectums.

    In other words, STAND AND FIGHT...
    The only proper course of action is total non-compliance with these totalitarian edicts of the regime, and FORCING THEIR HAND.

    Anything less than that, and you LOSE. MEN fight wars. If you refuse to do your duty and act like MEN, then the war is already lost. And make no mistake, cowardice is a grave sin, and you will answer for it........

  12. Jim: How is any of this diffenet from marching around the Capitol and yelling "Shame! Shame!" while disrupting the legitimate business of government? How is this more worthy of "Wow, just Wow" than recalling a duly elected Governor because of a difference of opinion in policy?

    You appear very hypocritical right now.

  13. Oh, I know about recalling Governors over policy. Like Darryl (the other brother) Issa manufacturing the recall of Gray Davis. Or the recall of justices over a decision. I have no sympathy for Walker. As for the marching thing, quoi?

    The "wow" is about your delusion that the government is going to shut down hospitals and schools. Now, they might revoke their tax exempt status which would certainly give the Catholic church pause to think.

    I'm sure you can manufacture some hypocracy for anyone you disagree with.

  14. "Until they meet the REAL resistance, of course..."

    Praytell, Dad29, what could THAT be????

  15. You can see the movie: For the Greater Glory.

    In theaters now.
