Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Un-Definable As a Weapon

One thing that professional liars are good at is using un-definable terms.  (It also works for Stalinists.)

...According to media reports, "fairness" will be one of the central messages of the entire Obama campaign. So fittingly, the Senate will pretend to vote on the Paying a Fair Share Act -- or the "Buffett rule" -- later this week.

..."Fairness," an elusive idea normally exploited by spoiled children, is now the foundation of the Democratic Party's economy policy.

"Fairness" is much easier to enforce when you have all the guns, or are hiring hundreds of IRS agents every year, of course.


  1. "Fairness" is much easier to enforce when you have all the guns, or are hiring hundreds of IRS agents every year, of course.

    WTF are you talking about?

  2. Fairness is in the Bible, Dad29.

  3. Fairness is in the Bible, Dad29.

    So are lots of other things, ah, conveniently ignored by the left, including Obama.

    Of those things, "fairness" is at the bottom of the list. Check back with us when Obama starts caring about the rest, first.

    WTF are you talking about?

    Threat of force, really simple. Anyone who disapproves/disagrees with "fairness" will find their lives, economic or otherwise, in jeopardy.

  4. Justice is in there, too, Anony.

    See: Israelites 5,000, Egyptians 0 in the Red Sea races.
