Monday, April 02, 2012

The Not-Very-Sweeping Ruling Against Act 10

Somehow, this didn't make the MSM.

....the failure of [the dues-collection] portion to stand up did not seem – at least in the court’s opinion – to be a situation where the start can’t stop the unions from collecting voluntary dues by payroll deduction, but rather that they can’t be selective in doing so. The problem, it seems, was that Walker – likely in an effort to bolster public support – exempted “mandatory public safety” unions such as police and firefighters from the rule.

Hoist by his own petard.  This has to do with the somewhat cockeyed 'traditional GOP' view that ANY spending on cops, firemen, or the Pentagon is, ipso facto, GOOD spending.  (See Sensenbrenner's Big Stupid Mistake below, e.g.).

No actual Conservative believes that crap, by the way.


  1. My question is now that some unions have already decertified, and seeing as that they didn't put "Right to Work" into Act 10...

    Does this mean that the state has to take dues from ALL state employees again or is this auto-deduct voluntary?

  2. "Does this mean that the state has to take dues from ALL state employees again or is this auto-deduct voluntary?"

    wow. who was it said ignorance is bliss?
