Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Zipperer Does the Right Thing

Rich Zipperer is doing the right thing here.

Sen. Rich Zipperer has scheduled a public hearing Monday for both the Assembly and Schultz-Jauch versions of the iron mining bill an attempt to keep the legislation alive.

"I think basically we can see that the bills are on life support," Zipperer said. "The rationale is to keep the bill alive and to have an opportunity to move forward if we can come to an agreement."

Zipperer, R-Pewaukee and chair of the Judiciary, Utilities, Commerce and Government Operations Committee, said there has not been any compromise yet, but that the meeting serves as a placeholder if a deal is reached that would move the bill forward.

If an agreement is reached, a special session would be needed to pass the bill, Zipperer said. Gov. Scott Walker said last night he was considering a special session on the mining legislation in the hopes of persuading those senators who voted against the bill last week to change their minds.

(In the case of Jauch, it's "alleged" mind.)

Zipperer could have let the Democrats cook in their own stew--having screwed their working-man base to the wall with their "no" vote of last week.

Instead, Zipperer (and Walker) are looking out for the good of the State.

He deserves applause.


  1. Plus, Senate rules short-circuit any attempt to bring the Jauch/Schultz boner of a bill to the floor tomorrow with a hearing scheduled on it for Monday. Rules gamemanship payback is a cast-iron.

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