Monday, March 19, 2012

Whither Conservatism?


...Bereft of the soulful perspective requisite to rebel against itself and reform, the conservative movement became a racket of GOPimpery.  Losing its beloved leader, as well as the conservative movement’s initial creativity, entrepreneurship, impishness and, above all, roots in the shared experiences of Americans, a culturally flaccid Republican Party could no longer even make a pretense of aping Reagan in speaking to Americans; instead, the GOP bewailed his absence in revisionist, discordant country-pop dirges of empty praise that littered the new conservative establishment media.  Such culturally atonal singing may have resonated with the die-hard members of a shrinking choir and facilitated the Republican Cashocracy’s lingering in political power for an extra Sunday or so; but culturally the die was cast and the GOPhilistines’ “permanent majority” imploded beneath the street level activism, dominant media bombardment, and cyber-broadsides of a politically revitalized, culturally attuned and revanchist Left.

Subtitle:  is RoJo a flash in the pan?  Can Hovde use the same tools to achieve the same success?

Or will we watch more "Hollywood Movie Tax Credit" schemes befoul Wisconsin?

HT:  The Winning McCain

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