Friday, March 09, 2012

The Dis-Graced Weakland Strikes Again

Technically, a Bishop is addressed "Your Excellency" and an Archbishop is addressed "Your Grace."

So Abp. get the idea.

And sure enough, he signed a petition to recall Walker, along with his pals (Fr.) Ken Knippel, pastor of St John Vianney in Brookfield, (Fr.) Anthony Zimmer, pastor of St Anthony on the Lake, Pewaukee, (Mgr) T. Connors, pastor of St Albert the Great of Sun Prairie (who, curiously, lives in Wauwatosa, WI), and (Mgr) Michael Barrett, pastor of Blessed Trinity in Milwaukee--who shares the residence with Connors.

No further comment.

HT:  Badger


  1. So, you're saying that red is their favorite color?

  2. Heh. There goes the notion that all good Catholics support Walker. Have you cross-checked the recall signatories with your parishioners? Do you have approval from the church for this blog?

    Liberal Catholics - what a concept!

  3. Their favorite material is velvet.

  4. I'm not surprised Fr. Barrett signed the petition, but he is not a domestic prelate. No one in Rome is quite that insane.

  5. Also, Barrett is now pastor of St. Bernard in Wauwatosa. It is safe to assume that nothing remains from their former pastor of twenty years ago.

  6. Wow - the communists/progressives got ahold of the Catholic Church here in the US didn't they.

    In a way no different than how they also got ahold of the entire public education system. What better way to spread the propaganda than through the church and schools.

    Throw in a little chaos with the purposeful distruction of the nuclear family so parents didn't have the time and energy to pay attention to what was being taught..

    Here we are.

  7. Give me a break, steveegg and neomom with your rhetoric. Grow up and act like adults.

  8. Well, Lets undo the progressive, socialist, heresies.
    Roll up your sleeves, we have work to do!

    The first thing all CINO church going progressive, socialist hate is repentance. I have been to Confession this lent. My son went today. My daughter will go pretty soon. Make sure your family goes.

    There is a Parish in my hometown that used to have I think 10 to 14 confessionals.. Can you imaging needing 10 to 14 confessionals? It was the place to go when one needed to go to confess ones sins! Well when the current batch of priests remodelled the Church they removed all but one of the confessionals... How sad.

    Tridentine Mass. Most CINO church going progressive, socialist hate Tridentine Mass.

    If your parish does 40 hours of Eucharist Adoration, sign up for an hour. What an opportunity that a CINO progressive, socialist heretic will surely miss!

    Here is a great idea, go to your or you another nearby parishes website, and go to the search page, Search for the words
    "Eucharist Adoration"

    If your parish does not offer one, you may you may want to write the Pastor about it, and copy your Bishop at the same time!
    Here is an example of two churches that sadly do not offer "Eucharist Adoration"

    Can you find more churches like these in your communities?

    If you can, then please list them in the comment section.

    Now since Sunday is the lords day, I'm going to do more prayer, at the local abortion clinic with my parish. What a great way to bring home the Catholic position of grace faith and works. Another opportunity that a CINO progressive, socialist heretic will surely miss!

    It is going to take work exercise the Archbishop Bernadine legacy. Ya Seamless whatever...yuch..

  9. Oh, and I saw this and thought it would go with the above post on undoing the progressive, socialist, heresies. I love Protestant converts to Roman Catholicism....... The Apologetics are great.

    1. How Not to Become a Catholic–Part 1

    2. How Not to Become a Catholic–Part 2

  10. How does any of this bs reflect Jesus' message to love as He loved and love your neighbor as yourself?
    What do your fear?
    Lord have mercy.
    And Jesus wept.

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