Friday, February 24, 2012

Yoo--Hoo!! Calling AG Van Hollen!!!

Van Hollen seems to be too busy to defend the First Amendment.

Seven states filed a lawsuit against the Obama administration today seeking to overturn the mandate that religious employers provide contraception, sterilization, and abortifacients to their employees as part of their health care plans. 

The state attorneys general of Florida, Michigan, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Texas filed suit today in U.S. District Court, arguing that the mandate violates both the First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. All seven plaintiffs are Republicans.

Not Wisconsin.  Nope.  Can't take the time for that.  Nope.


  1. And then again, maybe he realizes it is a waste of time since 1) the case is without merit and 2) seven states are already wasting their time and the outcome of their suits will affect all states.

  2. On the other hand, it could be that Van Hollen is not inclined to make waves--fitting, as a RINO.

  3. Minor point of order - Keg, Peg Lautenschlager's actions notwithstanding, Wisconsin's AG does need authorization from either the governor or one house of the Legislature to join in one of these lawsuits.

  4. Jim, your so ignorant and so liberal....Oh wait all liberals are utterly ignorant, its what makes them liberals to begin with.

    There is a "strategy" as to which states have Lawsuits and which don't, but since your liberal and you think with your sex organ I'm sure your sex organs IQ is not up to the task understanding, but I digress.....

    .........The idea of bringing lawsuits in different districts around the country is part of a larger strategy," said Kyle Duncan, general counsel for the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, which is representing four of the plaintiff groups. "I think it's a pretty well-accepted fact that you do that sort of thing not only to represent a wide array of clients but also to create the possibility of disagreement among different courts.............

    Lawyers Reveal Contraceptive Mandate Lawsuit Strategy

    This is a battle we Catholics MUST win.

  5. What was the Catholic response when Gov. Reagan signed legislation legalizing abortion in Cali six years before Roe v. Wade?

  6. Jim, your so ignorant


    Why don't you keep your santorum to yourself?

  7. Lets hope we can disqualify Kagan.
    Pray harder. Please read

    Feds sued over Kagan's Obamacare role
    'Integrity of the court requires a full airing of those facts'

    I'm not surprised.
    ....Kagan so far has refused to recuse herself from the case......

    I'm not surprised.
    ........But the administration has refused to comply with Freedom of Information Act requests for details regarding just exactly what Kagan did in the development of the Obamacare strategy...........

    .....Klayman wrote, “Without a neutral, unbiased Supreme Court, there simply is no rule of law and any decision concerning the act will be seen as illegitimate.”.....

    Pray for Judicial Watch's success at exposing Obama's henchman.
