Wednesday, February 01, 2012

The Real "Petition Problem"

Multiple stories about 'petition problems' are hitting the air and 'net.  "Gatherer" problems arose in Racine County, obviously-forged signatures/addresses pop up on hundreds of pages, the "80 times" guy was broadcast; you get the idea.

Most of the petition-gathering was done by two groups:  the teachers and the AFSCME members.

IOW, the teachers and municipal workers did most of the cheating and forging.

That's what you have running your school?  One is curious:  when did these individuals BEGIN their cheating careers?  In grade school?  High school?  College?

And will their cheating and forgery stop?


  1. Cubs former first-baseman Mark Grace: "If you ain't cheatin', you ain't tryin'".

  2. Its worked for them so far, why should they stop?

  3. So he's WEAC's morals guru? Or AFSCME's?

    How do they put it in the Capitol Dome....."Shame, Shame, Shame."

  4. Look, If Santorum's cheating of the tax payers out of money to pay for a stadium in Pitsburgh is Okay, and I assume that it is okay, since you did not object to my posting about it some time ago, and I assume you still support his candidacy since I haven't seen anything different, then why should Someone else cheating make a diference to you? I mean, the ends justify the means, No?

  5. Cheetin' is what demacrosy looks like! Eh, WEAC?

  6. In ANY recall effort, those groups collecting the signatures will invariably have their liars and cheaters who will con the system. There will be fake names and addresses, but that does NOT mean that the petitions, as a whole, are invalid.

    So leave it to Dad29 and his ilk to infer that the majority of those groups lack scruples or morals.

    And will their generalizations ever stop?

  7. Right. And how do we know that it was the gatherers that forged signatures and not just Walker-backing jerks or James O'Keefe minions do the "obvious" forging?

  8. My generalizations come from my observations of the protesters at the Capitol last year. They were less violent than Obama's Occupy crowd but you would not know that from any of his "news" reporters.

  9. Obama's Occupy crowd


  10. Looks like Gringich's got some explaining to do.
    And I only thought purported voter fraud was a Democrat thang!

  11. Willard should cheat on one of his wives to bolster his image as a possy.

  12. The #Occupy crowd does exactly what any good Community Organizer would have them do, Jimbo.

    They're running-dog stooges of the Obozo machine.
