Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Obozo: "We Don't Need No Steeenkin' Defense!!"

Seems that the Twit-in-Chief has all sorts of stupid ideas.

...Mr. Obama has directed the Defense Department to come up with plans for reducing the U.S. nuclear arsenal by as much as eighty percent.  Evidently, he is prepared to take such a step unilaterally in order to encourage by our example other nations to join in his longstanding ambition to “rid the world of nuclear weapons.


...It is not just that President Obama is blindly driving for ideological reasons the numerical evisceration of U.S. nuclear forces.  As Congressman Turner pointed out earlier this month in introducing legislation aimed at holding the administration to commitments made during the consideration of the New START Treaty in 2010, the administration is also walking away from its promises to modernize what remains of our deterrent.  Over time, the practical effect of combining the draconian nuclear cuts Mr. Obama seeks and his failure to arrest and reverse the atrophying of the obsolescing arsenal will leave us functionally disarmed.

Wait, wait!!

We can always throw mercury-laden lightbulbs at the enemy!!!


  1. Downsize our nuclear arsenal by 99%. No one should care. All you need is a handful of warheads to blow this world to hell twice. Our nuclear arsenal is largely a waste of money. Just get rid of them already.

    WHERE to get rid of them is a bigger problem.

  2. So, Grim, are you proposing to dump our nuclear arsenal on Iran? All 9,600 of them?

    How mighty neo-con of you...

    Anyways, Strupp is right. More fake outrage about Obama putting the U.S. in harm's way. Wow, so we only have roughly 1200 left over IF Obama gets his way. I'm sure our enemies are so amped due to this perceived "weakness". Give me a break!

  3. "We can always throw mercury-laden lightbulbs at the enemy!!!"

    Aside from Japan, when have we needed the bomb to attack the enemy? What a lame post....

  4. Iran wants a bomb to say they have one. If they eventually build one, what are they gonna do with it? Lob it over the Israeli border with a sling shot? And if they do, one of ours will turn their entire country to glass.

    This is Cold War logic. Which is to say completely illogical.

    Keep a dozen, dispose of the rest in a granite cavern. Have a nice life.
