Sunday, February 05, 2012

Morrissey Joins Levin, Family Research Council: Santorum for President!

Ed Morrissey:

...Santorum has demonstrated a level of personal integrity in this race that outshines the rest of the field.  Santorum has campaigned with blue-collar Reagan Democrats in mind, pushing for an economic plan that would revitalize manufacturing and small business.

....joining the crowd.


  1. Romney really doesn't have a giant lead in delegates, but the Not-Romney's had better get some momentum if they want to stop the inevitable crap...

  2. Yes, but where does Santorum Stand on protecting Christians in the middle east and standing up against the Neocons?

    Please read....

    Russia, China - the unlikely allies of Syrian Christians?

    It's time Christians wake up and stop listening to the neocon propaganda coming out of mainstream media. The Western governments (and Israel)don't give a fig about Christianity. Or maybe they do: they want to eradicate it.

  3. What about Syrian Christians Mr Santorum?

  4. Santorum is a joke. As are those who take him seriously.
