Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Early Warning About Planned Parenthood

Very useful quotation here.

"The abandonment of the reproductive function is the common feature of all perversions. We actually describe a sexual activity as perverse if it has given up the aim of reproduction and pursues the attainment of pleasure as an aim independent of it. So, as you will see, the breach and turning point in the development of sexual life lies in becoming subordinate to the purpose of reproduction. Everything that happens before this turn of events and equally everything that disregards it and that aims solely at obtaining pleasure is given the uncomplimentary name of "perverse" and as such is proscribed."

There you have the definition of perversion.  That's been superceded by a new one--more limited--which encompassed homosexual activity only.  Now even that use of the term is out-of-favor for the obvious reason:  it's no longer correct to call a spade a spade.

You may think that the quotation above was from some Church-type; if not a Pope, then a ranking cleric, right?


That's Siggy Freud--naming the contraceptive mentality of Planned Parenthood (and others) as "perversion."

He's right, you know.

HT:  Barnhardt.biz (scroll to January 30th)


  1. Dad29,

    Here is a powerful Preaching I have ever heard from this particular Priest.......... Please enjoy.

    Catholics in Imitation of Christ the Healer
    (Mark 1:29-34) Fr. Ezra Sullivan, O.P.

    (Notr Scroll to Feb 5, 2012 at the Link)

  2. We actually describe a sexual activity as perverse if it has given up the aim of reproduction and pursues the attainment of pleasure as an aim independent of it.

    He's right, you know.

    This the creed of the Sex Nazis.

    No sex for you!
