Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Why It Is Necessary to Destroy Santorum

The harpies of the Left (and Right) are in full-screech mode over Rick Santorum, and as usual, the Left is lying furiously about his position on social issues.  No surprise; the Father of lies has an interest here, too.

It is absolutely necessary to destroy Santorum by whatever means, because Santorum is running a semi-populist campaign.  He wants Joe Sixpack to have a good job, so he favors manufacturing in his tax plan.  He wants families to be supported, so his plan is also very generous in its child-deductions.  He's from steel-country, and honors that heritage.

What campaign will Obama run?  The explicitly anti-Romney platform:

“We are not a country that was built on the idea of survival of the fittest. We were built on the idea that we survive as a nation. We thrive when we work together, all of us,”  he said yesterday.

Umnnnhhh, yah.  Never mind that "together" means "under the detailed and extractive direction of my 500,000 bureaucrats," and that the un-born and elderly are not part of "us" to Obozo.

So the MSM works to demolish Santorum. 

Romney is the DNC's pick for the (R) nomination


  1. "Romney is the DNC's pick for the (R) nomination."

    Actually, we're sort of partial to Huntsman.

  2. Its the TORTURE stupid!

    The Magisterium says that torture is grave and intrinsically immoral and worthy of the fires of hell.
    Santorum Supports TORTURE like the good little shallow Neocon that he is.
    Santorum is in open dissent of the Roman Catholic Church and participates in the orthodoxy
    of the GOP as the Party of Torture in direct defiance of Holy Church.


    ........Asked if they would authorize use of the torture technique, candidates Pawlenty, Cain and Santorum raised their hands to signal they were cool with violating the Eighth Amendment to the Constitution.
    Santorum chirped, “Sure!”............


    Santorum joins conservative Catholics in dissent from Holy Church by supporting the
    grave intrinsic evil of torture in percentages larger than the average American
    Dad 29, Please read: The Religious Dimension of Torture Debate

    The reasons from history and law lead to the conclusion that waterboarding prisoners for information[1] is torture.
    The reasons from intuition lead to the conclusion that waterboarding prisoners for information is torture
    Read: The Gasping Grimoire : Calling out the lies of the pro-torture Catholic.


  3. (Continued from Previous)
    How much does Santorum share in Gingrich's Sin?
    Read the following paragraphs, written about Gingrich and ask your self, how much of it applies to Santorum as well?

    ..........However, given that polls consistently show that conservative Catholics dissent from Holy Church by supporting the grave intrinsic evil of torture in percentages larger than the average American, I do have to spend a few trillion more electrons and point out that Gingrich is among these open dissenters from Church and has just solidified the now-rigid orthodoxy of the GOP as the Party of Torture in direct defiance of Holy Church:.........

    .........In short, for Gingrich to say of terror drowning that “under the normal rules internationally it’s not torture” is a complete and utter lie, believable only to the sophists and liars who now dominate the torture apologetics wing of the Thing the Used to Be Conservatism. If Gingrich cared about the teaching of the Church, he would listen to the Magisterium which says that torture is grave and intrinsically immoral and worthy of the fires of hell. He would pay attention to Pope Benedict XVI when he says that the prohibition against torture may never be contravened. If he cared about the safety of the country, he would listen to the professional interrogators who warn, again and again, that torture is not only wrong, but stupid, counter-productive, and positively harmful to American intelligence efforts. But since Gingrich cares about power and getting the votes of pro-torture “conservative” armchair interrogators who get their information about interrogation from watching 24 and not from people who actually know about interrogation, he argues for torture, not out of Eucharistic piety nor patriotic love of country, but out of a hunger for power. And in that reckless pursuit of power, he poses a danger to bodies (of unborn children and torture victims) and souls (of the many Catholics who may follow him in his rejection of the teaching of Holy Church on one or even two matters of grave intrinsic evil worthy of the everlasting fires of hell)........................................

    Please read more:

    Dad29, I'm against the Cafeteria Catholicism of Santorum in regards to "Torture"
    just as much as I'm against the Cafeteria Catholicism of the Kennedy clan
    as pointed out by Father Barron in this video on "Donatism" of the Left:

    Please listen to Father Barron on Kerry Kennedy's "Being Catholic Now"


  4. Gregory, you just hit your limit for PaulBot posts.

    Any more of your inane judgmentalism and you'll get the auto-delete.

  5. Jim:

    Only you GreenWackies want Huntsman.

    And you are a very distinct minority in the Red Party (f/k/a "Democrat").

  6. I think ol' Greggy has lost his marbles.

    Spicey: You won't get Huntsman, you may have to settle for Romney.

  7. Somehow my followup comment got lost, but I said something like Romney would have been a decent second choice (after Huntsman, but before the rest of the utter whack jobs) 'cept for the utter selling out of all convictions to the whims of the T-party. Good Lord. The guys with the money really need to get a grip on your side. You should have won this without breaking sweat given the economy and you're turning it over wityout a struggle. I would be embarrassed if I were you and I would say it unlike you.

  8. Jim, There is debate on ourside. That does not seem to exist on the Left. Explains your attraction to this site.

    Dad, Here.


    Download the USCCB study guide at:


  9. "Any more of your inane judgmentalism and you'll get the auto-delete."

    So Greg cites sources which present reasonable arguments, and Dad29 calls to nuke his comments. Ridiculous!
