Sunday, January 15, 2012

Santorum Picks Up Another Endorsement

In passing, we'll mention the Family Research Council.

Here's the one which counts.


  1. ...... " Rick Santorum may technically not call himself an evangelical but he is definitely one when it comes to social issues, so don't get too caught up in the title of 'Roman Catholic,'" David Brody, chief political correspondent for Pat Robertson's Christian Broadcasting Network, wrote after the Iowa vote."

    "Ironically, the downside for Santorum and the new generation of "hybrid" Catholics is that in winning votes from the religious right, they may also be losing the support of fellow Catholics who don't recognize themselves or their faith in the stump speeches of these staunch conservatives."

    Many Catholics made the CHOICE to opt out of what Catholicism teaches and supported political candidates and ideas that do not represent Catholic values. Finally, we have a political candidate who is Catholic and who is willing to speak out against abortion, and gay "marriage".

    How sad, that Santorum is practically unrecognizable by the vast majority of Catholics in this country and appears to be more aligned with evangelical Protestants.

  2. I believe your missing information.........
    Here, read this....

    "Santorum Brazenly Promotes More War and Destabilization"

  3. I believe your missing information.........
    Here, read this also....

    What if elections didn't matter?
    by Roman Catholic, Judge Andrew Napolitano

  4. Since that article is nothing but a barrage of questions, it actually contains no information. It contains only insinuation, which is hardly the same thing.

    As for my endorsement mattering, if it does it is surely only in the negative sense. I have a penchant for the lost cause; as I think I noted in the post, I don't believe I've ever voted for a primary candidate who actually won. Since Georgia doesn't vote until Super Tuesday, we'll see if I even get the chance to cast a ballot that matters.

  5. Ron Paul Surges in South Carolina - Rick Santorum Plunges !

  6. By supporting SOPA, Santorum is never going to be president. Corporations don't vote! Leave our Internet Alone. Apparently corporations are his favorite people too! Please Read:

    Now from Peter at Bayou Renaissance Man.
    Please read his Posting Protesting
    SOPA comes up for a vote in Congress on January 24th. Peter urges participation in a general Strike.

  7. So Santorum likes SOPA and GE really likes SOPA! Boy they have something in common!
    Santorum seems to be voting to protect General Electrics Monopoly? 
    Since your so keen on Santorum, does this mean that now your now  protecting GE's monopoly too?

    NBC (General Electric)  Strongly Encourages Partners to Support SOPA and Protect IP

    The Rise of the Geek Lobby

    I suppose now that it is right to be be Pro- Santorum and by default Pro- GE, that you will have to delete this posting?

    GE Will Suck Your Blood


  8. Saint Revolution1/16/2012 8:31 AM

    Which TRUE Catholics disquiet and distress themselves with what David Brody opines?! Who is the Catholic-benighted Brody...besides a fallacy purveyor?!

    Non-Catholics historically have a COMPLETE ignorance of Catholicism and the TRUE Catholic Faith.

    Most "Catholics", sadly, as well.

    There is no such adjudicature as "opting out" of Catholicism dogma.

    There is no such volition as "hybrid" Catholic.

    Catholicism is NOT a democracy. Holy Mother Church has one "Tenet Wielder" and no other...The Vicar of The Vatican and the earthly shepherd of the flock, The Pope.

    How ANY Catholic ever envisaged a variant schema is a conundrum...and the work of the father of lies.

    A Catholic is either Catholic and lives, believes, follows, and practices EVERY tenet of Holy Mother Church...or is simply not Catholic, no matter what one monikers oneself.

    There is no middle ground...and no debate.

    I am an extremely conservative traditional Catholic practicing only in The Tridentine Rite. There was a time, not so long ago, when there was no discernment. It was all just Catholicism.

    Humanism...the great annihilater.

    I am a PaulBot (so far) simply because Ron Paul addresses most every secular political issue that has slowly, many convertly, eroded this country and WE THE PEOPLE for a very long some cases, to the founding of America.

    Based upon what I've read, studied, and rssearched, not only is Santorum a Catholic but very possibly the best kind of Catholic...the conservative and true "Latin Tridentine Catholic" am I.

    Critics and MSM will always try to destroy The Holy Roman Catholic Church. Every Christian religion other than Catholicism has its roots in either a former Catholic or some wayward "crackpot" (Shakers, Quakers, etc.).

    A very few, as in Amish, peacefully coexist in ignorant pluralism. These are God's business, not ours.

    I am so sick and tired and fed up with hearing about the "evangelical christians". A mass of humanists living religious lives according to their own rules...rules which, in themselves, have no true canon, solidarity, and seem to "change with the wind".

    Brody is wrong.

    Santorum has the support of evangelicals. Good.

    Santorum, so far, hasn't forgotten he's Catholic. Even better.

    Santorum, so far, has impressed even unto his criticism of JFK's morally irresolute attitudes and comments. I have agreed with all.

    It is not an easy choice...Paul vs. Santorum...for a truly conservative practicing Roman Catholic.

    One choice that is an apparent cinch...NO Romney.

    " sad, that Santorum is practically unrecognizable by the vast majority of Catholics in this country and appears to be more aligned with evangelical Protestants...".

    Never truer words were written.

    P.S. Santorum had better research the much deeper aspects and ramifications of SOPA before negatively posturing on the subject. This from "a man in the know".

    Peruse other Saint Revolution Dad29 blog comments here.

  9. Saint Revolution1/16/2012 8:39 AM

    Damnit, Anonymous.

    Over and over...'s "you're", not "your".

    Edit/proofread before posting.

    How absolutely annoying!

  10. To my dear St. Revolution...

    A "TRUE" Catholic does not use profanity.

    Cursing is the calling down of some evil on a person, place, or thing. Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. (Romans 12:14)

    A "TRUE" Catholic refrains from anger, hatred, and revenge.

    Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer. And you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him. (I John 3:15)

    A "TRUE" Catholic is pure and modest in their behavior.

    I exhort you therefore, brethren, by the mercy of God, to present your bodies as a sacrifice, living, holy, pleasing to God. (Romans 12:1)

    Looks like you have MUCH work to do!

    "Critics and MSM will always try to destroy The Holy Roman Catholic Church. E very Christian religion other than Catholicism has its roots in either a former Catholic or some wayward "crackpot" (Shakers, Quakers, etc.)."

    Whoops, sorry, I forgot, you have the "monopoly" on faith. But I thought it was "God's business" to make the final judgement? Interesting how you constantly make it YOUR business to be the judge, jury, and executioner as to who is the "best kind of Catholic". Charlatan, indeed!

    "Based upon what I've read, studied, and rssearched"

    Perhaps YOU should edit/proofread while posting.
    I mean, after all, you are the alpha male with the 140+ IQ!

    Regardless, after it is all said and done, IF Romney is the GOP nominee, he will get the votes from "true Conservatives" AND "real Catholics". So much for principles at the end of the day!

  11. The Great Saint Revolution1/16/2012 8:41 PM

    TO: AnonyBonerBrain 1/16/2012 6:40 PM:

    ...aaaaaaaannnnnnnnddddddd, once again, taking up much space communicating exactly nothing in the same old constant arrogant hypocritical fifth-grade rhetoric, writing, and fashion.

    I have wearied of wasting time and wearied of all and every battle(s) I perpetually win against the gross mountebank, fraud, and confidence creep known as Anonymous.

    Ridding the scene of liberal bastards such the likes of AnonyPussy and OTrauma is well worth principle-bending if that's what it takes.

    ComBox lectures from the devil's own called AnonyF**ker: 100 IQ at its finest.

    As for your religious spitting: God told me to give you a message: God Himself thinks you're a douchebag...

    ...or, should I write, ""your" a douchebag"?

  12. St. Revolution, you are the Washington Generals to my Harlem Globetrotters.

    All I am doing is using your words against you, with the relevant Bible passages as evidence. You know, blogging takes work!

    On one hand, you state "A Catholic is either Catholic and lives, believes, follows, and practices EVERY tenet of Holy Mother Church...or is simply not Catholic, no matter what one monikers oneself."

    On the other hand, you state "Ridding the scene of liberal bastards such the likes of [expletive] and OTrauma is well worth principle-bending if that's what it takes."

    It would appear to this "fifth grader" that you are contradicting yourself...yet again!

    A TRUE Catholic does not willingly prostitute his principles at the expense of physically and permanently removing one's philosophical enemies. Nor does a TRUE Catholic invoke summon God to castigate another human being with extreme malice.

    Your penance? A digital hairshirt.
