Sunday, January 29, 2012

More On Obozo's "Contraception/Abortion" Ruling

The Bishops of the US are--like most of their flocks--VERY unhappy with the Obozo Administration's flagrant violation of the 1st Amendment.

Here's Bp. Zubik of Pittsburgh:

...Let’s be blunt. This whole process of mandating these guidelines undermines the democratic process itself. In this instance, the mandate declares pregnancy a disease, forces a culture of contraception and abortion on society, all while completely bypassing the legislative process.

This is government by fiat that attacks the rights of everyone – not only Catholics; not only people of all religion. At no other time in memory or history has there been such a governmental intrusion on freedom not only with regard to religion, but even across-the-board with all citizens. It forces every employer to subsidize an ideology or pay a penalty while searching for alternatives to heath care coverage. It undermines the whole concept and hope for health care reform by inextricably linking it to the zealotry of pro-abortion bureaucrats.

The Bishop is being charitable, which is his vocation.

Much more from various Bishops here. Obozo will regret this move.



  1. So the new rules are forcing Catholics to use contraception and have abortions?

  2. Just to pay for them, which is morally abhorrent enough.

  3. ...or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...

    Right there, Jimbo.

  4. Catholic leaders are also to blame for this. Many favored Obamacare and they decided to lay down with the devil and now they got burned.

  5. Maybe they should just not use contraceptives nor have abortions.

  6. Maybe they should just not use contraceptives nor have abortions.

    And maybe people who want contraception and abortion shouldn't bloody well ask the Catholics to pay for them.

    It's really simple.

    I hope the Catholic groups levy a lawsuit. Barring that, I hope they simply ignore this ruling. Keep on working without funding contraception or abortion or sterilization insurance coverage.

    Time for massive civil disobedience.

  7. Her is a link to Father z's blogs on Statements from US Bishops about Pres. Obama attacks Many links, Lots of good reading....

    A Prayer in response to Obama's attacks on Catholics....

    Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel

    Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

  8. ...........Republicans will never end abortion in this country, any more than Democrats ever will, "because Republican politicians, just as surely as Democratic ones, have no desire to lose an 'issue' that reliably brings them millions of votes in every national election.,,,,,,,,,,,

    Please read

    Put Not Your Trust in Princes

  9. Updated: *93* Bishops Speak Out Against Obama/HHS Mandate

    we need more of them to speak out.

  10. Isn't it interesting that 98% of Catholic women use or have used contraceptives?
