Tuesday, January 31, 2012

More Boehning, Chapter 465

Once again, the Boehner "leadership" is toward national bankruptcy.

As part of their ongoing “jobs agenda,” House Republicans will unveil this week and soon consider the American Energy & Infrastructure Act (AEIA) to reauthorize transportation spending for five years. The “highway bill” promises a host of reforms (consolidating programs and streamlining red tape) and includes increased oil and gas exploration. But unfortunately these reforms are meant to distract from the overall size of the program, and the fact that such spending will require a massive bailout from federal taxpayers.

Except that the bill will bust the Ryan budget and build on an already-bloated previous bill (SAFETEA).  SAFETEA not only spends a lot of money; it spends more than the highway trust fund has available from taxes.

Boehner, a '60's style pol, packages it with some oil drilling--a spoonful of sugar, you know.

Screw him.  And his horse, too.


  1. You seem to be talking about the Highway Trust Fund as if money were actually kept in it.
