Saturday, January 07, 2012

Idiots In Cars

Complete shut-down of eastbound I-94 on Friday afternoon, cops all over the place, and the US Marines were prolly on standby for a "terrorist" apprehension.

Police said a call came in from a motorist reporting a person in a car waving a weapon around.

The "weapon" was a f*&^%'n CELLPHONE.

Look, moron "helper":  cellphones look a LOT different than guns


  1. Careful Dad,

    Look at the link below

    and look at "iPhone Gun Handset" $ video

  2. No mention of ethnic physical characteristics of the "subjects". Wonder if that might have been a contributing factor.

  3. "No mention of ethnic physical characteristics of the "subjects". Wonder if that might have been a contributing factor."

    You brought it up. it's obvious why...
