Thursday, January 12, 2012

After Tabor

Oh, yes, there's more to follow.

There may be a straw in the wind in yesterday’s ruling, with respect to the Obama administration’s determination to compel the coverage of contraceptive and abortifacient drugs in health insurance policies, even ones for religious institutions. The only “religious exception” offered so far by the Department of Health and Human Services to its contraceptive coverage mandate is an exemption so narrow, for religious organizations that employ and serve only their own co-religionists, that even the ministry of Jesus would not qualify. It is as though the Obama administration is staffed by people who have never encountered the ministry to the world that is so common among religious folk—especially but not uniquely among Christians....

Makes that 9-0 even more interesting.

HT:  FirstThings


  1. Why are you so obsessed with what other people do in their bedrooms? You're creepy.

  2. Nothing about people's bedrooms in there, but lots about not forcing religions to pay for behavior they deem immoral.

    You're free to do what you want in the privacy of your home, you're just not free to demand Catholics pay for your contraception.

    If you demand someone else pay the bill, however, you can't demand privacy...
