Saturday, December 31, 2011

Recall (D) Is Who?

Barrett, Obey, Falk, Cullen, Feingold.........

A friend who lives in Planet Madistan called this morning; he was driving someplace and there they were:  more 'sign-the-petition' folks lining the streets.

We got into a discussion about who might run.  The petition-drive's success will govern that.

If they come in with 1 million++ signatures (let's assume they're all valid), there will be a bunch of (D) pols who want to get into the race; that number would be a very strong signal that Walker's in serious trouble.

OTOH, if they can't come up with 900K, whichever (D) actually gets in the race will be swimming uphill.  It won't be impossible:  an astute Lefty Pubbie thinks Walker's support is fading a bit.  But it won't be a cakewalk.

You'll know how many signatures the (D) Boyzzzzzzzz think they have by the weight of the contenders.  If it's a very big number, Feingold will get in.

All the possible candidates will know long before the number is public, so they're the coal-mine canaries.


  1. They haven't been spouting numbers very much lately...

    Any predictions on the court case asking GAB to do its job in verifying signatures? That will make a huge difference I think.

  2. No predictions whatever. The law is vague on the point--which is why the lawsuit was filed.

  3. Btw - RS is simply lefty, not pubbie

  4. Time to move on tophase two. The recall will get the needed signatures. Thre seems little doubt there. And once enough signatures are collected, plus a margin of comfort -- say 700.000 total -- the Recallers are going to stop and not waste time and energy on sigs but move on to the next steps. That is what they did in the Senate recall petitions.
