Sunday, December 25, 2011

"Occupy" to Escalate Conflict

No more smelling up parks and feeding rats.

....OWS leaders say they are accelerating their battle strategy in 2012. In what amounts to a new declaration of war that promises to electrify the 2012 elections, OWS will be using new asymmetrical warfare strategies, write two of the men who have been the driving force behind the movement since early this year: Kalle Lasn, the editor-in-chief of Adbusters magazine, and senior editor Micah White.

Listen to some of the specific guerrilla tactics they warn will be used in their 2012 "American Spring" assault: A "marked escalation of surprise, playful, precision disruptions, rush-hour flash mobs, bank occupations, 'occupy squads' and edgy theatrics." And in a New Yorker magazine interview shortly after New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg's "military-style operation," Lasn warned: "this means escalation, pushing us one step closer to a revolution."

Oh, really!

HT:  Zippers


  1. I just finished reading about #Occupy at "Discovering the Networks", so it's funny you should post. Their supporters are a who's who of extreme far Left organizations plus unions and the usual subjects. We Conservatives are under attack here no less than if they were detonating car bombs and suicide bombers. Expect these people to try to disrupt the 2012 elections. And make no mistake, the orders come directly from the #Occupier of the White House. Just a question of connecting dots.

  2. "We Conservatives are under attack here..."

    How so? Do you make that claim to garner sympathy or is it part of the phony victimization narrative you fall back on every time you find yourself in the minority?

  3. On the contrary Anony. In every poll for years, "liberals" are the minority in this country. Conservatives and Moderates trade off for the largest group. Liberals peaked at 22% in 2008...

    Liberals are just simply obnoxious enough and have the media in their hip pocket that most of the time they get their way just to shut them up. Much like a child throwing a temper tantrum in the store for candy. The difference in the last two years with the Tea Party is that people started standing up and telling them No for a change. So it isn't surprising in the least to see the tantrums and attacks escalate.

  4. If these attacks are escalating, surely you can cite an example?

  5. Fine - here is an example. Take the recent brouhaha over the payroll tax cut extension...

    Obama stated he wanted a 1-year extension. The Republican-led House of Representatives passed a 1-year extension on December 13. The Democrat-led Senate passed the 2-month extension December 17 and then left town.

    When the House conservative caucus pushed Speaker Boehner to request that the Senate come back to town to conference to get the 1-year bill suddenly the entire narrative became about how those EEEEEEVVVVIILLLL Tea Party Republicans wanted every middle class taxpayers paycheck to get smaller just to give breaks to the "rich" ala #Occupy. That false meme was pushed 24/7 by Obama, Media, and aided and abetted by some less-than-conservative Republicans like Mitch McConnell and Karl Rove.

    The only purpose to the entire lie was to discredit the conservative Freshmen in the House.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Anony, read the linked source for my post.

    All this brouhaha is supposed to happen beginning this coming Spring.


  8. Neomom - Well said. Obama lied and idiots complied.

    OWS can KMA...
