Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Egads! Straight Talk!!


“The reason you see some sympathy among the American public for [OWS] is the grave concern — and it’s a legitimate one — that blue-collar workers, lower-income workers, are having a harder and harder time rising,” the former Pennsylvania senator said at a presidential campaign stop. “They talk about income inequality. I’m for income inequality. I think some people should make more than other people, because some people work harder and have better ideas and take more risk, and they should be rewarded for it. I have no problem with income inequality.

President Obama is for income equality. That’s socialism. It’s worse yet, it’s Marxism,” Santorum said. “I’m not for income equality. I’m not for equality of result — I’m for equality of opportunity.

It's a variant of Paul Ryan's maxim that being "pro-business" is NOT the same as being "pro-markets."  Pro-markets is the position we all espouse; pro-business is the position that crony capitalists prefer to push.

HT:  ColdFury


  1. .........Rick Santorum is a nice guy. He has a good reputation. But he was a Washington Republican before getting blown out of the Senate in a landslide when he ran for reelection and that might be one of the reasons he was

    In fact, he was such a good Washington Republican that he got to be a member of the Senate Leadership. So maybe it wasn’t surprising when he didn’t give a straight answer to a simple question the other night in the debate.

    Remember when Santorum was asked if he favored a national Right to Work Law? The simple answer is no It’s the honest answer, too, because Senator Santorum voted against it ( Roll Call 188,7/10/96).

    But a fellow running around South Carolina attacking Obama’s NLRB assault on Right to Work probably can’t afford to give a simple answer. So Senator Santorum launched into a dissertation on public employee unions.

    If you’re surprised Rick Santorum thinks it’s OK to force someone to pay union dues to get a job, don’t be. He also voted for the Davis-Bacon Act that makes Taxpayers pay union wages in government construction and gives Big Labor the advantage over nonunion companies ( Roll Call 134,5/22/96).

    Now just because he looked for the union label and said Richard Trumka’s power is more important than our freedom in deciding whether to pay union dues, doesn’t mean Senator Santorum wasn’t a good Washington Republican. He went right along with them to increase the debt ceiling.

    Rick Santorum added $3 trillion to our debt. Now that’s a real Washington establishment Republican...................

  2. Dad, Santorum is a good ole boy Washington Insider!!!!

    ..............there is a troubling part of Santorum’s record on spending, which is found in the years sandwiched between these periods of fiscal restraint. His record is plagued by the big-spending habits that Republicans adopted during the Bush years of 2001-2006. Some of those high profile votes include his support for No Child Left Behind in 2001, which greatly expanded the federal government’s role in education. He supported the massive new Medicare drug entitlement in 2003 that now costs taxpayers over $60 billion a year and has almost $16 trillion in unfunded liabilities. He voted for the 2005 highway bill that included thousands of wasteful earmarks, including the Bridge to Nowhere. In fact, in a separate vote, Santorum had the audacity to vote to continue funding the Bridge to Nowhere rather than send the money to rebuild New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.

    Indeed, Santorum was a prolific supporter of earmarks, having requested billions of dollars for pork projects in Pennsylvania while he was in Congress. Perhaps recognizing the sign of the times, Santorum finally reversed his position in 2010, saying that he was opposed to them , but one must remain skeptical about his sincerity. As recently as 2009, he said, “I’m not saying necessarily earmarks are bad. I have had a lot of earmarks. In fact, I’m very proud of all the earmarks I’ve put in bills. I’ll defend earmarks.”

    And while Santorum voted against the Farm Bill in 2002, he sponsored a bill to extend milk subsidies in 2005, which he claimed he did to “save countless Pennsylvania dairy farmers.”

    An examination of his scores in the NTU rating of Congress shows that Santorum compiled a very strong record on taxes and spending in the first four years of each of his two Senate terms, then a sharp swing to below the Senate Republican average in the Congress before his reelection campaign. In the 2003-2004 session of Congress, Santorum sponsored or cosponsored 51 bills to increase spending, and failed to sponsor or co-sponsor even one spending cut proposal. In his last Congress (2005-2006), he had one of the biggest spending agendas of any Republican -- sponsoring more spending increases than Republicans Lisa Murkowski, Lincoln Chafee and Thad Cochran or Democrats Herb Kohl, Evan Bayh and Ron Wyden.

    Santorum also supported raising congressional pay at least three times, in 2001, 2002, and 2003.,,,,,,,,,,,,

  3. Yah, he must be awful, what with his alliance with DeMint on SocSec reform, a BBA sponsorship, Nat'l Taxpayers Union "Friend" status.

    Just friggin' awful.

  4. The reason Santorum didnt vote for TARP was that he was out of office at the time. He is dodging that bullet for that reason, but he runs with the TARP crowd....
    He is a true washington insider.

    Sometimes its the non Catholic is who you have to vote for.

    Not Rick, not this time.

  5. Greg, your "Catholic" remark is offensive, to say the least.

    I let you play your Ron Paul cards without slamming you personally.

  6. I'm Catholic, probably not a very good one though, and I appologize for the Catholic comment.....

    Rick Santorum just does not pass the sniff test and normally you convince me, but not in the case of Santorum....... Hairs go up on my back of my nec

    We are being sold a bill of goods...... He is a RINO and we are sick and tired of being lied too over and over again.
