Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The FDA Is Going to "Help" You!!

Believe it or not, (and LIKE it or not), FDA's going to take care of you.

With little publicity, the federal Food and Drug Administration has begun laying groundwork for one of the more audacious regulatory initiatives of the Obama administration: mandatory reductions in the salt content of processed foods in the supermarket aisle and at restaurants.

In a September 15 “Request for Comments, Data, and Information” (PDF) published in the Federal Register, the FDA solicits from the public “comments, data, and evidence relevant to the dietary intake of sodium as well as current and emerging approaches designed to promote sodium reduction.” Among the specific ideas it has in mind: setting federally prescribed “targets” for “stepwise” reductions in the amount of salt allowable in various foods, the phased nature of the reductions indicated because consumers’ “taste preference for sodium is acquired and can be modified.”

To which we propose that 'consumer's taste for Gummint is acquired and can be modified, drastically.'

(It's a nice way of showing the one-finger salute, eh?)

HT:  Agitator

1 comment:

  1. What if the Constitution No Longer Applied?

