Monday, November 28, 2011

Doh. Democrats Lie? Republicans, Too?? Doh.

Abp T. Dolan, 'splaining why the New York State Bishops didn't go all-out opposing the gay "marriage" law.

...In retrospect, said Dolan, he and the other bishops are wondering if they weren’t being deceived.
“We fell for the assurances of people that we thought were political allies that this wasn’t going to go anywhere,” Dolan told Arroyo, pointing out that there was “some credibility” to this claim, since past efforts to legalize gay “marriage” in New York had failed.

“So we had political allies who said, ‘Bishops, keep your ammo dry, you don’t have to pull out all the stops, speak on principle, speak up against this bill, but don’t really worry because it’s not going to go anywhere.’

Six days later, the bill was passed.


1 comment:

  1. Gee, I was hoping NY bishops weren't going all out to oppose this law because it was the right thing to do.
