Friday, October 07, 2011

Wisconsin Baby-Killing Down in 2010

From PLW:

Today, the state of Wisconsin Department of Health Services released its annual report on induced abortions in Wisconsin. The total number of abortions in Wisconsin in 2010 was 7,825, down from 8,542 in 2009.

Good!!  Certainly not ideal.


  1. The "buy more condoms" sloganeering is having an effect. Keep up the good work!

  2. Too bad your dad did not Anony. We'd have one less truther.


  3. Did you think everyone did not know that already Jim?


  4. Different "anony truther", here. It's sad, David, that you have relegated yourself to this style of commentary. You use to have insightful things to say. Now, you hope for people to not have been born. Isn't that ironic (and sick) in your preference that life be preserved, and you're calling for a human to not have been born?

  5. What can I say, you thruthers piss me off. You go around spouting your crap and eventually it catches up with you.

    And just to correct your false statement, I wish he was not concieved, not "not have been born", but I can see where you leftist slobbering truther idiots would get confused on that one.

    Although Jim's insightful comments really do make a man think.


  6. It's been demonstrated (by Guttmacher, among others) that rubbers and pills are NOT particularly effective in the 'target' population of HS kids.

  7. Guttmacher notwithstanding, if the goal is to lower the number of abortions, it's ironic that you're so dismissive of contraceptives.


  8. Anony 8:57 a.m. here

    "And just to correct your false statement, I wish he was not concieved..."

    Nice try, David, to "justify" your position. Anyway you slice it, you prefer that Jim not have been conceived, born, existed, raised, etc. Absolutely sick and disgusting.

  9. Uh Truther, you support the wholesale slaughter of the unborn to the tune of millions and you have the audacity to use the word "disgusting". You are a sick, pathetic, vile piece of crap. Why don't you go hang with your white supremacist buddies in the Wall Street protests and leave the adults alone.

  10. David, the streetlights are on. Time to go home.

  11. You are a disturbed individual. Why not give up your thuther beliefs and spend some quality time actually doing something that makes a difference in the world?

    I know I am beating a dead horse but I think that even people like you Anony are capable of realizing that your pathetic attempts to screw this nation are nothing but regurgitating the talking points your leaders have force fed you.

    Do you have the intestinal fortitude to break free?


  12. Anony 8:47 a.m. here

    David, let's make one thing perfectly clear...YOU called for another person to not have been conceived.

    I thought conservatives tended to be the "adults" by admitting their mistake.

    Does calling me a "truther" really make you feel good without any definitive proof other than a "gut feeling"?
    Tsk, tsk, tsk.

  13. "Gut feeling"? You said that merica was behind the 9/11 attacks. That makes you a truther. Live with it you disgusting piece of crap.

    And by the way, until you grow up enough to admit that your beliefs about 9/11 are completely fabricated bull crap don't use the word "adult" at all. It just makes you look even more infantile and stupid than you are (hard to believe I know).


  14. "that merica was behind the 9/11 attacks?"

    Anony 11:33 p.m. here. If that's what you want to believe, go ahead, if that makes you feel better. But I am not into those conspiracy theories. You have completely lost it, man. But I forgive you!

  15. Denying your past or your other persona?


  16. Neither! I yam who's I yam (Popeye).


  17. David, the short bus is here. Time to go to school.

