Monday, October 31, 2011

Obama Yawns, People Die

Teh Won isn't even bothering to lie about it.

Christians in Egypt are currently experiencing their worst time in recent centuries. This statement was made by the Coptic Orthodox Bishop Stephanos of Beba and Elfashn to the international Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN). Christians are being violently killed under the eyes of the international media. Also, for the first time in many years, churches are being systematically burned and destroyed. The police are taking no action and nobody is punished for it.  --CMR quoting ACN

In response, seemed like a pretty big deal when Maronite Patriarch of Lebanon was scheduled to meet President Obama.  Perhaps the President might finally acknowledge Christian persecution?

At the urging of President Obama’s Muslim envoy Dalia Mogahed, the meeting has been cancelled because the Muslim Brotherhood wouldn’t like it.

Can't be bothered.  Have campaigning fundraising to do.


  1. Signed, Zorro!

  2. Whoops! Let's try this again...

    So, Christians are being persecuted in Egypt. And Dad29 insinuates that Obama has no interest on the matter to the point that Christians are dying as a result of his inaction.

    So, Dad29, what are Obama’s options? What do you suggest he do? How about pressuring the Egytian government by conditioning further financial assistance to improvements in human rights and religious freedom?

    Or would this action go against your insistence that America stay the hell out of the affairs of other countries unless its national security is in peril? Seems to me there is no compelling factor for the United States to get involved. It’s none of our business, at least that would be YOUR rationale (or would it?).

    How about sending in troops to protect the Coptic Christians? Nope, see reason above.

    Ok, how about a condemnation? Well, the White House did issue one in October 2011.

    True, Obama did NOT publicly speak on this matter in this particular instance, but he has made his position clear about this situation before.

    Ok, how about Obama meeting with a Christian leader from the region to address the matter? That should do the trick, right? Oh my God, he canceled it! How dare he? What could be the reason?

    Well, according to the National Catholic Register link, the author asserts Obama refused to meet with the leader because Obama is beholden to the Muslim Brotherhood. The evidence, ladies and gentlemen...

    A link to an extremist website (Jihad Watch) hell bent on paranoia, who links to another extremist website (Creeping Sharia) hell bent on paranoia, who links to a report from a Beruit Arab news agency (el Nashra), who cites an unnamed U.S. source (!) that the Obama Administration essentially “takes its orders” from his advisors on Arab and Islamic affairs, who are assuredly influenced by the higher leadership within the Muslim Brotherhood.

    Such trusted sources! [sarcasm]

    Any independent verification regarding this accusation that Obama’s Muslim affairs advisors are responsible for canceling this meeting? Nope.

    The only sources making the case are well-known for its Islamophobia!

    Interestingly, a RATIONAL poster from the National Catholic Register link provides insight as to why the Obama Administration most likely canceled the meeting.

    “This article makes no attempt to understand what lay behind this decision, nor does it give any kind of legitimate verification for its accusations. Clearly you have started with a pre-judgment (I hate Obama and everything he stands for) and found “evidence” to back it up.  The more likely scenario is that State Department officials noted recent statements made by the Patriarch about Syria that could be damaging to U.S. policy in the region. The fact is, the Maronite Church is a controversial body in the region on a number of different levels, including their sponsorship of terrorism in the Lebanese Civil War in the Shatila and Sabra camps.  This is not a politically neutral party.”

    It would seem, therefore, the cancellation is part of a prudent approach to a complex situation by our government, as evident by this article regarding the Maronite Patriarch and his relationship with Syria...

    and his insistence for the United Nations to ensure the Palestinians “right to return [home] and liberation of all [Israeli-occupied] territories".

  3. Oops, let's try this again.

    So, Christians are being persecuted in Egypt. And Dad29 insinuates that Obama has no interest on the matter to the point that Christians are dying as a result of his inaction.

    So, Dad29, what are Obama’s options? What do you suggest he do? How about pressuring the Egytian government by conditioning further financial assistance to improvements in human rights and religious freedom?

    Or would this action go against your insistence that America stay the hell out of the affairs of other countries unless its national security is in peril? Seems to me there is no compelling factor for the United States to get involved. It’s none of our business, at least that would be YOUR rationale (or would it?).

    How about sending in troops to protect the Coptic Christians? Nope, see reason above.

    Ok, how about a condemnation? Well, the White House did issue one in October 2011.

    True, Obama did NOT publicly speak on this matter in this particular instance, but he has made his position clear about this situation before.

    Ok, how about Obama meeting with a Christian leader from the region to address the matter? That should do the trick, right? Oh my God, he canceled it! How dare he? What could be the reason?

    Well, according to the National Catholic Register link, the author asserts Obama refused to meet with the leader because Obama is beholden to the Muslim Brotherhood. The evidence, ladies and gentlemen...

    A link to an extremist website (Jihad Watch) hell bent on paranoia, who links to another extremist website (Creeping Sharia) hell bent on paranoia, who links to a report from a Beruit Arab news agency (el Nashra), who cites an unnamed U.S. source (!) that the Obama Administration essentially “takes its orders” from his advisors on Arab and Islamic affairs, who are assuredly influenced by the higher leadership within the Muslim Brotherhood.

    Such trusted sources! [sarcasm]

    Any independent verification regarding this accusation that Obama’s Muslim affairs advisors are responsible for canceling this meeting? Nope.

    The only sources making the case are well-known for its Islamophobia!

  4. Interestingly, a RATIONAL poster from the National Catholic Register link provides insight as to why the Obama Administration most likely canceled the meeting.

    “This article makes no attempt to understand what lay behind this decision, nor does it give any kind of legitimate verification for its accusations. Clearly you have started with a pre-judgment (I hate Obama and everything he stands for) and found “evidence” to back it up.  The more likely scenario is that State Department officials noted recent statements made by the Patriarch about Syria that could be damaging to U.S. policy in the region. The fact is, the Maronite Church is a controversial body in the region on a number of different levels, including their sponsorship of terrorism in the Lebanese Civil War in the Shatila and Sabra camps.  This is not a politically neutral party.”

    It would seem, therefore, the cancellation is part of a prudent approach to a complex situation by our government, as evident by this article regarding the Maronite Patriarch and his relationship with Syria...

    and his insistence for the United Nations to ensure the Palestinians “right to return [home] and liberation of all [Israeli-occupied] territories".

  5. Interestingly, a RATIONAL poster from the National Catholic Register link provides insight as to why the Obama Administration most likely canceled the meeting.

    “...The more likely scenario is that State Department officials noted recent statements made by the Patriarch about Syria that could be damaging to U.S. policy in the region. The fact is, the Maronite Church is a controversial body in the region on a number of different levels, including their sponsorship of terrorism in the Lebanese Civil War in the Shatila and Sabra camps.  This is not a politically neutral party.”

    It would seem, therefore, the cancellation is part of a prudent approach to a complex situation by our government, as evident by this article regarding the Maronite Patriarch and his relationship with Syria...

    and his insistence for the United Nations to ensure the Palestinians “right to return [home] and liberation of all [Israeli-occupied] territories".

  6. Anony's comments summed up in three words:

    Christians deserve it.

  7. Yah....and he/she/it hasn't even gotten around to explaining why the Copts have the same problems as the (allegedly terrible) Maronites.

    Maybe they all look the same?

  8. Yep, Amy, that was the point of my post. Christians should be slaughtered. (rolling of eyes)

    If YOU want to make that inference because it makes you feel better about yourself, so be it. And I only thought libruls played the victim card ;)

    Dad29--I thought you were going to ignore my posts. Apparently not. I probably touched a nerve.

    Neither of you have refuted my points. I eagerly await your cogent rebuttal.

    So, to both of you, rather than blame Obama (yet again!), what do you suggest is the course of action the United States ought to take in this tragic circumstance?


  9. He has to resign or be removed. There is nothing else you can do now that he has shown absolutely zero leadership.

    Apparently, the only way a brutal regime will be dealt with is if you can prove the Islamists will take it over. Ask the Syrians.


  10. David, be a realist. Obama is not resigning. Now, he may be removed from office, but given how the (R) candidates are flailing about, we shall see if they can get their act together.

    So, let's stick the original topic...what should the course of action taken by the Obama Administration in regards to the Coptic Christians in Egypt being slaughtered?

    Neomom? Amy? Dad29? Even St. Revolution?


  11. Or the attackers in France:

    All from the Religion of Peace....

  12. Yeah, it's terrible. Some religious zealots ruined a Catholic festival. So because of this incident, let's generalize this behavior as "commonplace". That makes sense to me. /sarcasm

    Islam is being corrupted by radicals. Some RATIONAL thoughts on the matter.

    Nope, Dad29 would rather play the victim and be a fear-mongerer by linking to another website who links to another website with a specific agenda--the degradation of Islam.

    I mean, with such insightful commentary as:


    How mighty Christian!

    Again, let's stick the original topic...what should the course of action taken by the Obama Administration in regards to the Coptic Christians in Egypt being slaughtered?

  13. From Zorro.

  14. There is nothing he can do. Zero. Zip. Nada.

    He can't threaten, since everyone knows it will be an empty threat. He cant bribe because he will be called a failure if a single attack happens once the money changes hands. He can't cajole them since the Egyptian military does not give a rip what he says are have no fear of anything he would actually do.

    Once you have demonstrated obtuseness and weakness on the world stage you are toast as a leader. Jimmy Carter proved it. Now we see it again.

  15. Signed David

  16. Well, David, Dad29 certainly thinks something ought to be done! Otherwise, why would he link to extremist websites--who use an anony "source"--to make some sort of point that Obama is catering exclusively to his Muslim advisors? Why would he be concerned about Christians being murdered in the Middle East by a bunch of fundamentalists?

    If that was the Daily Kos who made a similar accusation, Dad29 would have a field day regarding its prejudice. But since these sites are anti-Islam, they seemingly have more "credibility". Give me a break!

  17. From Zorro.

  18. "Why would he be concerned about Christians being murdered in the Middle East by a bunch of fundamentalists?"

    Whoops, should read "why would Dad29 be concerned".
    He certainly wants action to be taken. So what is it?

  19. Five men were arrested by Algerian police for proselytism during a mass in a village in the wilaya of El Tarf, according to the website of the Liberté newspaper.

    See, only the nutbags are ruining the reputation of the 'religion of peace.'

    Just nutbags. Nothing to see here.

  20. Regardless, it is evident that Dad29 did not read the USAToday link.

    Anyhoo, Algeria is a country has a long history of revolution and regime change, making the political climate dynamic and in a constant state of flux.

    The country is currently a constitutional republic with a democratically elected government, though the military and the clergy--heavily influenced by Muslim radicals--are the major power brokers.

    Government + Theocrats = Persecution

    Imagine if the radical Christians had their way in running our country according to their "values". As if their policies would NOT be detrimental to minority religions! No different from those nations in the Middle East who have a similar mindset.

    And speaking about the "religion of peace", I wonder what is the religious affiliation linked to the person who I provided the quotation at my 11:32 p.m. post.

    Any condemnation on your part for his/her justification for murdering someone just because of their faith?

