Saturday, October 29, 2011

Are the Anarchists Running #Occupy?

Verum Serum thinks so.

And for Perfesser Esenberg:  this Graeber fellow used to teach at Yale.


  1. Classic case of misdirection here. Label the movement as a COMPLETELY radical cause, without regard for those individuals who do not espouse those values as promoted by the extremists. Link it to solely communist and/or socialist sympathesizers. Full-court press by the conservative blogosphere to repeatedly delegitimize the movement as to render it sterile. Wash, rinse, and repeat. Alinsky would be proud!


  2. So it is OK to label the Tea Party as totally radical sans any objective evidence. But even with objective evidence, one must tread lightly with OWS.

    How perfectly Orwellian.

  3. Bill O'Reilly did this really well this week in his Talking Points Memo.

    First he shows a "man on the street" video supposedly of a protester at OWS. I noted that somehow there were no other people around this interview, so I don't know if actually was an OWS protestor or just some nutball on the street with a sign.

    Any, the so-called Occupy "representative" blamed the "Jews running the banks" for the current economic situation.

    Conclusion: OWS is an anit-semitic movement based on a single, suspicious video clip.

    Next, a poll showing 43% of those polled agreed with the OWS movement.

    Conclusion: 43% of those polled agree with the supposed anti-semitic sentiment of the OWS protesters.

    But wait! These 43% apparently get their news and opinions from the so-called liberal mainstream media, so it's the media's fault that people are anti-semitic.

    One of the most dishonest Talking Points Memo O'Reilly has ever produced. And that's saying a lot.

  4. Where did I even infer that the Tea Party is radical?
    ALL movements have their extremists. The T-P'ers are NOT immune.

    Man, some people are SUPER sensitive. I thought that was purely a librul trait.

    "But even with objective evidence, one must tread lightly with OWS."

    How ironic for you to insist that a person should not make that same claim about Tea Partiers, yet you have no problem taking it upon yourself to "be wary".



  5. O'Reilly is a mouth topped with some hair.

    There is more than a little anti-Semitism present at the #OWS encampments, but it's hard to gauge how MUCH there is.

  6. Oh good God.

    Since 2009, all we heard was how the Tea Party was fringe, extreme, violent, racist, blah, blah, blah. The evidence of course was a Congresswoman being shot by an apolitical undiagnosed schizophrenic, the Democrat fringe LaRouche morons with their posters of Obama with a Hitler mustache and a few other questionable signs. MSNBC creatively edited a video of a man with a gun to paint a rally as racist even though the dude with the rifle was black. Other media baited normal folks with questions and then plastered the most moronic ones all over the TV and internet to paint the entire movement as being stupid to boot. They invented an oft-repeated incident about the alleged hurling of racial epithets at the congressional black caucus - never mind that the CBC was walking through the crowd with video rolling and in spite of a $100K reward, no video evidence ever surfaced.

    But here we have Occupy sights with blatent anti-semitic signs, and an LA teacher saying the Jews need to get run out of the country. tsk, tsk, tsk... Shouldn't mention those, can't paint the whole movement, blah, blah.

  7. Since 2009, all we heard was how the Tea Party was fringe, extreme, violent, racist, blah, blah, blah.

    All we heard? No we haven't. That's simply hyperbole.

    The evidence of course was a Congresswoman being shot by an apolitical undiagnosed schizophrenic

    What are you talking about. This isn't true? Nobody EVER linked the shooter to the Tea Party.

    MSNBC creatively edited a video of a man with a gun to paint a rally as racist even though the dude with the rifle was black.

    Nobody EVER creatively edits video [snark]. And since I watch MSNBC I can tell you that the point of showing the gun-packing Tea Partiers was not their racism, but their nuttiness for carrying a weapon to a "peaceful" rally.

    They invented an oft-repeated incident about the alleged hurling of racial epithets at the congressional black caucus

    Yeah, those, um, black Congressmen were obviously lying.

    an LA teacher saying the Jews need to get run out of the country.

    Holy CRAP! Tens of thousands of OWS people all over the country and you've got "an LA teacher."

  8. Nobody EVER linked the shooter to the Tea Party.

    True. But the first 3 days' coverage by the MSM was filled with 'rightist extremist' innuendo--and, by the way, Sheriff Dupa/Dumpnit/Whatever was mouthing off with the same BS.

    Of COURSE no one linked him to the TEA Party. He wasn't a part of it. But they tried very, very, hard.

  9. Yeah, those, um, black Congressmen were obviously lying.

    Truth comes from you now and then.

    The Democrats lie, all the time, about anything at all.

  10. The Democrats lie, all the time, about anything at all.

    Asshat alert.

  11. I was at the rally, on that corner, where the lie of the incident with the CBC was invented. It.Didn't.Happen. The CBC was baiting us. First, they didn't have to walk through the crowd, they could have taken the tunnel. Second, they came through as a group. Third, they had their video phones at the ready. Jesse Jackson Jr was recording with two Blackberries. If it had happened, they would have gotten it on video. Do you really think that if one of them had caught a tea partier hurling the "n" word at them on video it wouldn't have been all over the friggin' TV and internet? Just cuz they are congresscritters doesn't mean they won't lie for their own gain. In fact it most likely means they will lie.

    Sorry - it was all about racism on MSNBC - here is the vid of the clip. Now I know why I couldn't stand Contessa Brewer when she was in MKE..

    In addition to the LA teacher - scary enough - another sampling:

    A gentle reminder of the Giffords aftermath - it started with Sullivan, Krugman, and Kos - before we even had the name of the shooter.

    And Jim, if you watch MSNBC, then you are being more than a little disingenuous about not hearing the epithets against the "teabaggers". The network oozed the accusations against us.

  12. "I was at the rally, on that corner, where the lie of the incident with the CBC was invented."

    And I was at Woodstock. Any pics to back your claim?

    Oh, good God, neomom. If you are SO concerned about how the media and bloggers repeatedly lie, ooze accusations against us, "baiting us", etc. look in your own backyard! The links you cite have also been known to engage in the same behavior you claim is abhorrent.

    I thought finger-pointing and portraying the victim was only a librul trait.


  13. I have pics - but you ain't getting them. Dad highlighted my combox post on 3/21/2010.

    For the rest of your drivel. Start backing it up.

  14. "Drivel" is a very kind word to use.

  15. I read your original post on the matter, neomom. You were there, but not exactly in the spot where the incident took place. I have no idea if the n-word was used, or whether the politicians would lie for their own personal gain. What I do know is that partisans like yourself, and their Democratic brethren, are breaking this country at the seems. As I said earlier, look in your own backyard first before you start hurling accusations. I know "my side" has major problems, so does "your side". And those in the middle, the moderates--the ones who want compromise just like the Founding Fathers who set aside their differences for the welfare of the country--are sick and tired of the b.s.


  16. Since you know so much about my "partisanship". I never voted for a Republican until 2002. Yep, I voted for the Goracle. My family comes from a long line of staunch union supporters.

    Even still, I couldn't bring myself to register as a Republican until 2009. I did so at the point that I realized that the Democrat Party at large had gone way past just being liberal and compassionate, but had been taken over by the 1960s radicals. Call it the revenge of the hippies - whatever - but a completely lost cause. They simply don't give a rip about the Constitution as it stands in the way of their goal of an ever-larger and more powerful central nanny government until we become Greece. It won't end well. It never ends well. Totalitarianism - even in an allegedly compassionate form - cannot end well.

    The Republicans have oodles of problems. A great deal of them cringe-worthy as much of the state and national leadership isn't a whit different than their Democrat counterparts. The Tea Party realized that quickly. That is why you saw so many primary challenges to entrenched R incumbents in 2010. Was the Tea Party co-opted? In some cases yes. But most of us are still trying to co-opt the party from the bottom up. We are gaining at the precinct, municiple, and county level. And we are taking the long view.

    Yes, there is common ground with OWS with the basic premise of corporatism. But it is quite clear that OWS - blessed by Obama, Pelosi, the Socialists, the Communists, the Anarchists, and every other radical leftist group out there - is the astroturfed "October Offensive" that Van Jones promised us.

  17. But the Tea Party isn't astroturf? Let's check with Dick Armey on that.
