Saturday, October 08, 2011

"0-0-0" Plan from Santorum


What's not to like about this?

"I've got a better plan. It's the zero-zero-zero plan," the GOP presidential candidate and former senator told the Value Voters Summit.

Santorum said his plan would levy zero taxes on repatriation of funds invested overseas, cut corporate taxes for manufacturers to zero and eliminate every regulation put in place by President Obama.

As soon as you understand that YOU pay "corporate income taxes," it's game-over--because that means the money can be used either for reducing the prices of manufactured goods, or for additional R&D/investment, or for hiring people.  Remember, we do not have a "revenue problem."  We have a spending problem.

The other two elements are great, too:  the Obozo Regime's cascade of regs is far more destructive than helpful, and a few hundred billion back here will be helpful, period.

By the way, Santorum is not "out of the race."  Not by a long shot.  Cain's fun to listen to, but Santorum has an understanding of foreign policy which Cain can only hope to obtain, and Santorum has a far better understanding of how Gummint works. Personally, I like 'outsiders,' and Cain is certainly one of those.  But having Gummint experience is not a red flag. 

HT:  Burri


  1. ....or it'll go toward stock buybacks and dividends to rich people. Another transfer payment upward.

  2. Or dividends to the granny-annuity/pension beneficiaries, and stock-value increases for same, eh?

  3. Santorum's 0-0-0 strategy:

    0 campaign contributions
    0 new ideas
    0 percent in the polls

    Why is this guy even afforded a microphone at the GOP debates?

  4. 100 percent Courageous
    100 percent Moral
    100 percent Tells it like it is.
