Friday, September 16, 2011

So What's Not in THIS Article?

I reported last Sunday that the driver is an illegal alien.

You won't find that in the article.


  1. They didn't report whether or not he is married, has children, has tattoos or hair on his butt either. Probably just as relevant as his immigration status.

  2. Wow Jim, you saying that the paper does not routinely mention when a crime suspect has other legal issues?

    They do it for previous convictions, current warrants, sex offender registration, etc..

    Everything BUT illegal immigrants.

    Keep up the hope and change Jim. Another year and hopefully we can start actually protecting our police and citizens from these criminals.


  3. The current president has done more to enforce immigration laws than the last one.

  4. Except for his family members who are here illegally.

  5. One is, one is not. But so what? Do you have some evidence that the President has intervened one way or another?

    By the way Anon, being in the US illegally is not a crime. So why would a newspaper report it?

  6. They'd report it if it were pertinent to THEIR agenda, of course.

    My agenda differs from that of the MFM.

  7. "They'd report it if it were pertinent to THEIR agenda"

    Back at ya!

  8. I never pretended to be a "news" paper.

    They haven't, either , in the last 20 years.

  9. Sorry, still trying to wrap my head around the "breaking the law is not a crime" comment.


  10. Entering the country illegally is a criminal act. Being in the country illegally is a civil matter, not criminal. Many, many people have entered the country legally but remained after their visa has expired. They are not committing a crime by being here. They are in violation of civil law, not criminal.

  11. So Jim, he entered the country legally?


  12. Who knows? Not relevant to the incident.

  13. You said they did not report it because it was not a criminal history, then defined it could be a criminal history, now saying it's irrelevant.........

    I call BS. A criminal hit a bike cop with a car, the JS refuses to release the fact that he is a criminal and you are just fine with that.

    At least admit it.

