Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Muslims' REAL Problem

Just mentioned this issue in conversation this morning.

...Regensburg shattered the inconsequential niceties that had hitherto typified most Catholic-Muslim discussions. Instead of producing more happy-talk, Benedict indicated that such conversations could no longer avoid more substantial, more difficult questions: most notably, how Christianity and Islam understand God’s nature. Regensburg reminded us that it matters whether God is essentially Logos (Divine Reason) or Voluntas (Pure Will). The first understanding facilitates civilizational development, true freedom, and a complete understanding of reason. The second sows the seeds of decline, oppression, and unreason....

Today's the 5th anniversary of B-16's Regensburg speech.

The resolution to the Muslim/Western problem will not happen until the Muslims get around to accepting Logos.  Period.

HT:  Ten Reasons


  1. "The resolution to the Muslim/Western problem will not happen until the Muslims get around to accepting Logos."

    Yeah, telling Muslims they ought to "get on board" because they are "in the wrong" is the sure-fire way to resolve the issue. /sarcasm

  2. Someday you should get a really good dictionary and look up the word 'logos.'

    Don't be surprised that one of the cognates is 'logic.'

  3. And my original statement is incorrect, how, Mr. Rational Discourse???

    There are elements in Islam that can be used to justify violence, just as there are in Christianity and Judaism. All major religions must learn to enter into dialogue without "crying foul" or having a "chip on their shoulder".

  4. Your original statement is wrong for a very simple reason: my statement is correct.

    It is always correct and appropriate to say what is true. And until Islam reconciles itself with logos, Islam will have a problem.

    By the way, the just war doctrine does not include jihad.

  5. "Your original statement is wrong for a very simple reason: my statement is correct."

    And if a liberal made that statement, you would tell them to "grow up" and stop being "self-righteous".

    "By the way, the just war doctrine does not include jihad."

    When fools believe in proving their religious superiority through zealous means--as if they possess ULTIMATE TRUTH--they perversely justify force may be used to neutralize an apparent "threat". Religion itself is not the problem, it's those who denigrate the faith of others. That, my friend, is the very essence of jihad.
