Thursday, August 25, 2011

Some of That First Amendment Is OK, But......

I really don't know why DailyKos doesn't buy the NYT and make it formal.

New York Times editor Bill Keller writes a loaded piece today posing a strict religion test for the 2012 GOP presidential candidates, noting that American’s are “too squeamish” about aggressively “probing” a candidates religious beliefs.

Why sure!  Just as soon as Obozo answers a few questions in similar vein........

1 comment:

  1. I read the editorial. Weasel Zipper's characterization of it is very inaccurate. It's unfortunate that you would simply link to it with examining the words being criticized.

    In the last presidential campaign, Candidate Obama was pressed to distance himself from his pastor, who carried racial bitterness to extremes, and Candidate McCain was forced to reject the endorsement of a preacher who offended Catholics and Jews. I don’t see why Perry and Bachmann should be exempt from similar questioning.
