Monday, July 25, 2011

Yup. We're Boehned.

Hard to believe that Boehner pulled this crap.

On Fox News Sunday, John Boehner began the day saying that he wanted a deal that kept to the principles of “Cut, Cap, and Balance.”He concluded Sunday by telling House Republicans that Cut, Cap, and Balance was off the table due to Senate opposition.

...To make it worse, Republican Leaders on Capitol Hill are offering up what is being called a “Super Congress”. In this plan, 3 Democrats and 3 Republicans would get together, come up with an agreement to make spending cuts and raise taxes. Then neither house in Congress would be able to stop those reforms — no filibuster could be used.


Speaker Boehner, resign your position!


  1. He voted for TARP.
    Tarp was his defining Moment
    He is part of the problem.
    HE has to go.

  2. The constitution is clear. ALL spending legislation MUST come out of the house for action in the Senate. Period.


  3. If this was 1934, Roosevelt would have called the debt ceiling law meaningless since we have an obligation to honor our debts. My guess is that he would have simply ignored the law and continued spending regardless of the whining in Congress and let the courts figure out whether or not he broke the law.

    Because see, that's what a leader would do in this situation. That's what a President who prioritizes employment and economic growth over complaining and bellyaching about nonsensical short term debt reductions during a serious demand shortage which threatens the recovery of the ongoing unemployment crisis (with treasuries at a whopping 3% interest over 10 years).

    But we don't have anyone at the helm with that kind combination of brains and Balls.

    Instead, we have a weak negotiator with the propesity to cower to the demands of people in the House that don't know jack and pander to people who know even less about our current situation.

  4. Oof. Sorry for the typos.

  5. Strupp,
    The Government can meet the interest on it's loans. That it should choose to spend money on Caterpillar reproduction studies or Mosque building instead of those obligations is the choice of the President to make.
    If he were to "leave it up to the courts" you can certainly see the results. If the court finds he acted to preempt the Legislative body you will get an impeachment which would harm America. Why ask for that?

    A "Leader" is not defined as someone who will break the law to keep spending. A leader finds a solution to a problem, within the law.


  6. Depends on what you consider law.

  7. The United States Constitution, what about you?

