Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Public vs. The DC Mind

Unlike The DC Mind, operative in Washington DC and adjoining precincts, the American public doesn't think that spending is a good thing.

The July 16-18 poll contacted 1,096 respondents through a telephone survey. The Wenzel Strategies project carries a margin of error of 2.93 percent.

It showed that 54.4 percent of the respondents believe the nation's fiscal situation should be fixed with cuts in government spending, while 21.4 percent say the debt ceiling should be raised so President Obama can borrow and spend more money, and 16.6 percent – led by Democrats – believe the government should raise taxes.

Gee. Paul Ryan thinks you should get Boehned. So does Cantor.

Maybe they can't read polls. Or maybe they are part of The DC Mind.


  1. uh oh......

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Won't put up with going after children of ANY blogger.

  4. By your admission, John, you are not a blogger.

  5. And you are Anonymous who writes comments so offensive, even Dad29 has to remove them. Who has more to be proud of?

  6. Wasn't me, pally. Nice job getting punkslapped by Wigderson, though.

  7. What are your voices saying now, Anony? I don't understand.
