Wednesday, July 27, 2011

J-S Asks the Wrong Question

The propaganda campaign is beginning: we NEED regulation!!

But before May knew she had spinal disease, she spent almost a year in the care of a Milwaukee man named Sik Kin Wu. And May says she paid Wu, a self-described "intuitive healer," to adjust her neck - not once or twice, but 11 times during a year.

Wu, a Shorewood restaurant owner with a history of federal tax fraud, says he can tell what's wrong with people by looking at them. He acknowledged he isn't licensed to provide health care in the United States, instead providing a certificate stating he completed a four-month acupuncture and Chinese massage program in Shanghai.


The lady (May) doesn't have health insurance, which caused her to bypass hospitals. Instead, she took the advice of a friend and paid this guy a bunch of money to, ah, ruin her spine.

But this does not make the case for more regulation. The question the JS should have asked is "How can this woman obtain treatment from legitimate providers?"

I've never believed the Progressive Myth that "consumers choose wisely all the time." (Yes, it IS a Progressive myth, no matter who spouts it.)

But "more regulation" is not always the answer, either, no matter what you read in the J-S.

(By the way, the rest of the story includes some demi-perversion material. Not safe for children.)

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