Saturday, July 23, 2011

Is Rush Right? Is THIS the Obama Plan?

Rush has been saying this for a couple of years. Hillyer joins.

President Obama wants a crisis. He plans to use a crisis to seize even more power for himself and for the government. Now he is a significant step closer to his goal. Despite his finger-pointing con-job in his nasty press conference this afternoon, Obama is the one who deliberately torpedoed the budget talks. He is the one who has yet to put an actual plan on the table. He is the one who refused to even let GOP negotiators talk. He is the one who insisted through most of the year that no other provisions be attached to the hike in the debt limit — that the debt limit hike should be “clean” rather than include even a single cost saving. Now, as Speaker John Boehner just said, and as so many others have said in less vivid language, “dealing with the president is like negotiating with a bowl of Jello.” He just won’t stay still. And he’s doing it on purpose. He’s doing it because he doesn’t want a deal. He wants a crisis...

Alliteration points here:

...he has been fibbing, faking, and fulminating.

And that, my friends, is straight from the Alinsky/Totalitarian playbook.


  1. Who's lying? To the American public Boehner said "there was an agreement", and in his letter to his Republican colleagues he said "A deal was never reached, and was never really close."

    If you want to know who torpedoed the talks, ask who demanded at the last minute that the deal include repeal of PPACA's individual mandate.

    Pretty much everything in Rush's quote here is nonsense.

  2. Guess we won't know since it's all done in secret, will we, Jimbo. "Most transparent", indeed.

    Obama's modus tells me Rush is right. Obamacare is a step toward socialized medicine, created via false crisis ("healthcare crisis" is bullshit, but there will be one after Obamacare is instituted). The gunrunning schemes to Mexico were set up much the same way.
    Create a false crisis to institute more gun control. Plenty more examples are easily available.

  3. "we won't know since it's all done in secret"

    So you think that Boehner, Cantor and McConnell want TV cameras in the room?

    "Obamacare is a step toward socialized medicine"

    Uh, I think medicare and veteran's administration was WAY ahead of PPACA on the "socialized medicine" front. Know anybody in either of these systems who wants them to be eliminated because they are socialism?

    ""healthcare crisis" is bullshit"

    You must be the only person in the country to not think that that healthcare costs need to be addressed before they become a crushing burden on every person in America.

    "Create a false crisis to institute more gun control."

    Nice conspiracy theory. Got any proof beyond what's coming out of Rush's ass?

  4. It was never billed as a "healthcare cost crisis", nor does anything in the bill address the cost problem.

    The difference in VA is that it services (for all intents and purposes) government employees injured at work. Workers Comp for soldiers, if you will. I have a fundamental problem with Medicare. It is grossly unfair to the provider and jacks up the cost for the rest of us, as does Medicaid.

    I agree that Boehner, et al likely do not want cameras. I don't like that at all.

    There is plenty of evidence. Feel free to find it, smart guy. Pretty sure you have Google just like I do.

  5. Wait. I'm supposed to go out and find the evidence to support your argument? That's not the way it works. You throw out a conspiracy theory and you provide the evidence.

    "nor does anything in the bill address the cost problem."

    That's just a grossly false statement. The major goals of PPACA were to cover as many people as possible, get rid of insurance company abuses, and bend the cost curve of medical costs in the future. To that end, the CBO estimated that PPACA would reduce the deficit by $1.3 Trillion or more over 20 years.

  6. "And that, my friends, is straight from the Alinsky/Totalitarian playbook."

    Don't you mean the Rove/Cheney playbook?

  7. "To that end, the CBO estimated that PPACA would reduce the deficit by $1.3 Trillion or more over 20 years."

    Guess that depends on which CBO report and how you wish to interpret it. A simple Google search finds everything from Utopia to Armageddon, but based on experience in seeing government at work, I lean much closer to the Armageddon side than Utopia. It makes no sense right out of the box. In no way can everyone be covered while cutting existing resources, forcing the coverage of pre-existings and allowing people to purchase when they become sick. It's ludicrous to believe so if one has any type of ability to think critically. Further, to force anyone to purchase anything just because a person exists is as unAmerican as it gets. What, than are the limits on government? Let's assume that this administration would not abuse this power. What about the next? Or the next? What about the evil Bush-Cheney-Rove-Halliburton-Big-Oil Conspiracy? Would you trust THEM to do the right thing?

    What abuses by insurance companies? health insurance is a contract. Both parties are bound by that contract. If one believes one is "screwed" by the "evil" health insurers, one has recourse through your friends the trial lawyers.

    There was no reason for the government tot ake over health insurance to get costs in line. Simple legislation like requiring line-item descriptions of costs and requiring providers to provide the cost of service up-front would go far in allowing the consumer to control their own costs. I know "you're not going to shop for the best price when having a heart attack". No, I'm not. And I don't shop for the best price when I have a broken water pipe in my house, either. Should government control that as well?

    Gunrunner: There's nothing to be gained by posting links to which you will reply,"Fox Lies" or some similar response.

    But I will thank you for reasonable debate, unlike our Anonymous friend who, again seems to have nothing but "False Witness".

  8. "Both parties are bound by that contract. If one believes one is "screwed" by the "evil" health insurers, one has recourse through your friends the trial lawyers."

    No, only the ones that don't have the big legal departments and the lobbyists are bound by the contract, the contract the insurance company writes.

    And since those insurance companies and lobbyists demand arbitrators of their choosing and are trying their best to grossly limit tort judgments, fewer people are able to get lawyers to take their cases.

    "There was no reason for the government tot ake over health insurance to get costs in line."

    And they didn't take of health insurance. They wrote regulations to keep them in line.

  9. Jim, your assertions are nice, and all.

    Many are incorrect, but they're very nice.

  10. Actually, Boehner's demand to take PPACA out plays right into President PissyPants' hand.

    If the forced-enrollment goes away, so does the SCOTUS hearing on same.

    So I owe PissyPants a big thank-you!

  11. Saint Revolution7/24/2011 10:53 AM

    Obama is a Muslim.

    A Catholic/Papist/Christian-hating, USA-hating, capitalist-hating, laissez-faire-hating, freedom-hating, white-man-hating, misogynistic, megalomaniac freemason Muslim.

    That should, pretty much, tell all.

    Does Obama want anarchy, martial law, and complete undeterred presidential sovereignty?!...for him and his cronies even past the 2012 elections?!

    Is AnonyMouse a clueless douche?!?!

    Confessions Of An Economic HitMan (John Perkins):
    How do you destroy and enslave a country? Three steps:
    - economically covertly (destroy economies by manipulating markets), and, if that doesn't work,
    - destructively covertly (assasinations, coups, etc.), and, if that doesn't work,
    - overt takeover (war).

    "...people like me are paid outrageously high salaries "to do the system's bidding". If we falter, a more malicious form of hitman, "The Jackal", "steps to the plate". And, if "The Jackal" fails, then the job falls to the military..."
    Confessions Of An Economic HitMan (John Perkins)

    Rush Limbaugh is a fat regurgitating blowhard simply capitalizing on recycling information years after "the underground" has discovered and made known the TRUTH from the start...years ago.

    'course, no one listens to us. We're the "conspiracy theorists"...the "fringers"...with "no basis in fact" least until "the 100 IQ'ers", like AnonyMouse, finally EXPERIENCE the real facts "when history is 'consummated' right in front of their eyes" but, of course, by that time, it's too late.

    Limbaugh's PLAGUARIZED and STOLEN assertions are no surprise here...

    I knew it LONG before he spewed it.

    ...and cliche-thinkers like AnonySqueak better wake up have NO IDEA what and who you are REALLY dealing with...

    "Rebellion To Tyranny Is Obedience To God"
    "Don't Tread On Me"

  12. Yep, I hear the distant drone of the black helicopters heading this way.


  13. Umnnhhhh....

    Search "Codevilla" on this blog, Jimbo my man.

    He wrote an essay which pretty-damn-well ties Obozo's mommy, and his granny, to the CIA.

    Whether you like it or not, there are no such things as "coincidences" in the real world.

  14. ...and cliche-thinkers like AnonySqueak better wake up have NO IDEA what and who you are REALLY dealing with...

    Hey, Saint Revolution, YAWN! I'll wait until the movie comes out.

  15. Obama is not a Freemason. Please check your facts before impugning the largest philanthropic group in the United States.


  16. Saint Revolution7/25/2011 12:50 PM

    As expected, a completely enlightened and enlightening pukeout from AnonySquish 7/24/2011 9:12 PM.

    You do that, AnonySquonk 7/24/2011 9:12 PM.

    You watch that movie...from your gulag.

    Ain't nobody cryin' when you disappear.

  17. Saint Revolution7/25/2011 1:01 PM

    Obama is a freemason.

    Seek the information, and ye shall find.

    One World Order'ers are not philanthropic hiding behind Shriner hospital ruses.

    Wake it up...and look it up.

    Hint: research the difference between lower order freemasonry and
    the 3x level freemasonry...especially from the inside.

    Belief of wishful facades of philanthropy from freemasonry does NOT make it so.

  18. Saint Revolution--The fibber, the fake, the fulminating.

    Methinks that if you were in a position of power, you would find several ways to take out your opposition in order to "cleanse our nation". You and the Norwegian madman have that in common.

    You're right, me and the majority of the American citizenry have been duped. YOU have all of the answers! YOU can set us free!

    Just typing that makes me laugh...hysterically.

  19. Saint Revolution7/25/2011 2:37 PM

    AnonyMouse 7/25/2011 2:10 PM:

    Why is it that ignorant very small minded putzes like you are always so so uncreative as to have to defer to the news of the day for your retorts and rufutations?

    From your writing, you are about as intelligent as a goat's hemorrhoid.

    Today, NorWay.

    What about tomorrow, AnonyAss?

    What news item from tomorrow's AP are you going to beat to death and is your vacuous uncreative brain going to use in your, oh so anticipated, blog pukes?

    We're all baited breath...get beyond 'Hooked On Phonics' and the fourth grade and at least challenge us with your awesome insight that you learned in those SPECIAL classes for SPECIAL people in high school.

    That's're SPECIAL.

    Now, wipe up that drool...we have to change your Depends...which are, right now, holding all your regurgitated opinions and comments.

    (soft voice of Peter Griffin) ...because that's where they belong...yeah...that's where they belong...



  20. St. Revolution--Your diatribe is the sound of the adults in those Charlie Brown specials.

    Anyone who even dares to refute your "truth" and "logic" is your enemy. A trait that wreaks of narcissistic personality disorder. Please seek help.

    But, as a Christian man, I forgive you!

  21. St. Revolution, The Freemasons are proud to publiosh the names of their members. From John Glenn to J.B. Van Holen. They have never once been shy to announce a president (like Washington) was a member.

    Now if you mean that secret internal cabal of Freemasons that no Freemason has ever heard of that secretly control the fraternity without ever being seen or heard from by the members and leaders of the fraternity then you may be right.

  22. Saint Revolution7/26/2011 1:04 PM

    Barack Hussein Obama is a 3xnd/rd degree Prince Hall FreeMason.

    Thus, a pluralist and secular humanist practicing pluralism, humanism, hereticism, and apostasy.

    The Roman Catholic Church has imposed the penalty of excommunication upon anybody who is and/or becomes a freemason. The penalty of excommunication for joining The Masonic Lodge was explicit in the 1917 Code Of Canon Law (Canon 2335) and it is in the 1983 Code (Canon 1374).

    Excommunication of this sort is latae an automatic consequence for having made this choice and following through with this choice.

    Barack Hussein Obama, and all freemasons, unless renounced and returned to Holy Mother Church, are excommunicated latae sententiae.

    Not a place to be...

  23. TO: AnonyMouse 7/25/2011 3:21 PM:

    "...anyone who even dares to refute your "truth" and "logic" is your enemy..."

    You are correct...completely correct.

    I espouse, speak, and write only THE ONE TRUTH.

    I am an Alpha Male.

    I purport and defend VEHEMENTLY only THE ONE TRUTH.

    I do not seek, need, nor require any forgiveness from you...a moderate middle-of-the-road liberal who thinks he's conservative and Christian.

    Historically, you have contended there is more than ONE TRUTH.

    You are wrong. Moderates like you are nothing more than heretics with soft voices.

    Based upon your history of blogging responses, you are no conservative nor Christian I nor The Church can define.

    Don't ever defend to me your "can't we all just get along" demagoguery nor your Novus Ordo Christianity.

    Your history of useless no-value-add blog retorts proves you know nothing about true Faith, nor true conservatism.

    You define me as a despot ready to "dismiss" you and anyone who disagrees with me.

    Again, I am an Alpha Male.

    As such, I have been graced by God Himself with the abilities to defend THE ONE TRUTH...

    ...always against jackasses like you who think they are being funny when they blog their bullshit responses but, in actuality, are simply an enemy of THE TRUTH.

    Maybe it's time you shut your smart mouth and start saving your sorry soul...

    ...because I know from Dad29 all the way down the line your smart-ass responses have NEVER been invited nor appreciated.

    For The Defense of Holy Mother Church, The Army(ies) Of The Prince Of The Seraphim need Divine replication and expansion, through Divine Inspiration, onto, unto, and into the kingdom of Apollyon

    the Belial of this world.

    "...Thinkest thou that I cannot ask My Father, and He will give Me presently more than twelve Legions of Angels?..."

    "Who is like to God?"

    Do you really know and understand, Anonymous?

  24. Saint Revolution7/26/2011 1:49 PM

    TO: AnonyMouse 7/25/2011 3:21 PM:

    "...anyone who even dares to refute your "truth" and "logic" is your enemy..."

    You are correct...completely correct.

    I espouse, speak, and write only THE ONE TRUTH.

    I am an Alpha Male.

    I purport and defend VEHEMENTLY only THE ONE TRUTH.

    I do not seek, need, nor require any forgiveness from you...a moderate middle-of-the-road liberal who thinks he's conservative and Christian.

    Historically, you have contended there is more than ONE TRUTH.

    You are wrong. Moderates like you are nothing more than heretics with soft voices.

    Based upon your history of blogging responses, you are no conservative nor Christian I nor The Church can define.

    Don't ever defend to me your "can't we all just get along" demagoguery nor your Novus Ordo Christianity.

    Your history of useless no-value-add blog retorts proves you know nothing about true Faith, nor true conservatism.

    You define me as a despot ready to "dismiss" you and anyone who disagrees with me.

    Again, I am an Alpha Male.

    As such, I have been graced by God Himself with the abilities to defend THE ONE TRUTH...

    ...always against jackasses like you who think they are being funny when they blog their bullshit responses but, in actuality, are simply an enemy of THE TRUTH.

    Maybe it's time you shut your smart mouth and start saving your sorry soul...

    ...because I know from Dad29 all the way down the line your smart-ass responses have NEVER been invited nor appreciated.

    For The Defense of Holy Mother Church, The Army(ies) Of The Prince Of The Seraphim need Divine replication and expansion, through Divine Inspiration, onto, unto, and into the kingdom of Apollyon

    the Belial of this world.

    "...Thinkest thou that I cannot ask My Father, and He will give Me presently more than twelve Legions of Angels?..."

    "Who is like to God?"

    Do you really know and understand, Anonymous?

  25. You sir, are an ALPHA NUTJOB. Please seek help.


  26. Normally I do not agree with David, but he is absolutely correct in this case!

    Is St. Revolution the type of company you wish to keep, Dad29???

    "You define me as a despot ready to "dismiss" you and anyone who disagrees with me."

    Yes, St. Revolution, you are a despot. By claiming to absolutely possess "THE ONE TRUTH", anyone who contradicts you must be vanquished from this Earth.
    And how do you go about your business, through spiritual and intellectual assassination. Your rhetoric clearly defines your perverse motives, cloaked under the words of the Lord.

    Indeed, I COMPLETELY know and understand...

    "As such, I have been graced by God Himself with the abilities to defend THE ONE TRUTH..."

    Matthew 7:15--> Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.

  27. What, Anony, you sanctimonious snot..."Diversity" isn't good?

  28. The Bible tells us to carefully select our friends in this life. Gods informs us that if we walk with wise people, we will become wise ourselves, but that he who keeps company with fools will be destroyed. The Bible says that we are to stay away from people who cause divisions and offenses, and to withdraw from every brother who walks disorderly.

    Regrettably, what we will find out is that just because someone touts the work of the Lord does not mean he/she embraces His guidance and love. Some people are judgmental and critical, arrogant and pompous, thinking that they have all the answers to everything, when only He has the answers.

    So, if you want to embrace diversity by providing a soapbox for Saint Revolution, it is at your own peril...

  29. Saint Revolution7/26/2011 9:08 PM

    TO: David

    " sir, are an ALPHA NUTJOB..."

    ...that's the exact thing they accused Christ of over ~2,000 years ago...

    ...and all Christ did was preach and defend THE ONE TRUTH...

    You look at a woman with lust, you've already committed the sin...

    You defend freemasonry, then you may as well be a freemason.

    Barring change of heart and soul, Obama, and all freemasons, are damned. If you don't believe this, you are no matter what your vanity tells you.

    It is black and white...and simple.

    This we this we live.

    There is not my truth and your truth...there not my Catholicism and your Catholicism...there is only THE ONE TRUTH.

    What do you believe, David? What do you live by?

    Funny how ~2,000 years STILL hasn't changed anything...and they still cry, "crucify Him!".

    Make no mistake...every time you create your own rules you crucify Him all over again.

    Still, "quod scripsi, scripsi" David?


  30. What do I believe? I believe in a loving God who gave his only son to die for my sins. I believe that no one knows my heart but him. I believe that the beliefs and traditions of the Catholic church are proper.

    And I believe that anyone who places himself between myself and the church and takes it upon himself to declare that his way is the only way is a heretic.

    And I believe in you "Saint Revolution". I believe that some day you will find humility before God and maybe find the piece you so desperately need.

  31. Saint Revolution7/26/2011 10:04 PM

    TO: Anonymous 7/26/2011 3:02 PM
    TO: Anonymous 7/26/2011 4:27 PM

    Dad29 is completely completely correct.

    Anon, in all your sanctimoniousness, your blindness falsely comprehends only The Mercy of other words, what's in it for you.

    When you are confronted with The Justice of God, the remonstrations, The Corporal Work of Admonishment, you are deaf and blind...

    I am right...and you are wrong.

    I am right, not from vanity, but from TRUTH.

    Your vanity commits your wrong.

    You have been given everything you need to understand...and still you know not whatsoever THE ONE TRUTH.

    I never claim to POSSESS anything.

    We have ALL been given THE ONE TRUTH. Only the blind do not see and the deaf do not hear...

    "...spiritual and intellectual assassination..."? This is how your limited understanding interprets The Corporal Work of Admonishment? Are you truly this obtuse and dense?

    " perverse motives..."? Is this how your vanity interprets attacks against your pride? What a choice of folly...

    Can't you retort with anything other than the one cliche, "...wolf in sheep's clothing..." you have utilized so many times before?

    How can you be so lacking in depth, in intelligence, in knowledge, and, mostly, complete understanding? How...?

    "...The Bible says that we are to stay away from people who cause divisions..."? The Bible says? I didn't know any Bible could talk. Do you mean, " is written..."?

    This is what The Bible "says":
    "...think ye, that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, no; but separation. For there shall be from henceforth five in one house divided: three against two, and two against three. The
    father shall be divided against the son, and the son against his father, the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother, the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law..."

    Your bullshit cliche quotes and your even more bullshit "...embrace diversity..." reference manifest your moderate "middle-of-the-road" "can't-we-all-just-get-along" pluralism and humanism.

    You are completely lost...guided by your own vanity.

    If you think only God has all the answers, then you CANNOT believe in The Incarnation of Christ as Man. Christ became Man, and gave us the answers...every answer we need.

    You are correct...I do have all the answers...I have been given has everyman...they all manifest in THE ONE TRUTH.

    When will you wake up?

    Everthing you write manifests your guilt in ignorance...and you cannot see it.

    I cannot continue repeating myself to deafness and blindness...

    I shake this dust from my sandals...


  32. To Anony 9:39 p.m. and 9:41 p.m...AMEN, my brother or sister!

    To: St. Revolution

    "Can't you retort with anything other than the one cliche, "...wolf in sheep's clothing.."

    Citing the message of Matthew is cliche?

    "I cannot continue repeating myself to deafness and blindness..."

    Then you do not speak THE TRUTH as God's messenger, for He repeats the message of Love and Hope to even the "non-believers" and "heretics"!

    "I am right...and you are wrong. I am right, not from vanity, but from TRUTH. Your vanity commits your wrong."

    John 14:6 reminds us that only through Him does TRUTH emanate...“I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

    "Your bullshit cliche quotes and your even more bullshit "...embrace diversity..." reference manifest your moderate "middle-of-the-road" "can't-we-all-just-get-along" pluralism and humanism."

    Please show me in the Bible where it condones the use of foul language directed at the followers of Jesus.

    God COMMANDS diversity...

    Colossians 3:11--> Here there is not Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free; but Christ is all, and in all.

    God COMMANDS modesty...

    James 4:6 --> But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”

    and God REMINDS us of false prophets!

    Galatians 1:6 --> I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed.

  33. 9:39 & 9:41 was I.

