Friday, July 22, 2011

$1.3Bn Taxpayer Loss on Chrysler: ObamaNomics!

Oh, well. We NEED a debt-limit increase, see?

The U.S government has sold its shares in Chrysler LLC at a likely loss of $1.3 billion in taxpayer money, the Treasury Department said Thursday, announcing the end of a controversial investment that resurrected the troubled auto company.

The company is making money (for a change); there are no plans to recover taxpayer dollars from the profits.


  1. I will never ever buy a car from Chrysler of GM. I'm so done with them. If I have a chance to influence someone to NOT buy from them, you bet I will do so.
    One other thing. I have a very long memory.

  2. Saint Revolution7/24/2011 11:15 AM

    Oh, yeah...

    1.3Bn...just like's all Monopoly money to them...

    Notice how they're dumping just before 08.02.2011?!

    Kind of like they already know the pre-engineered Hank-Paulsen-like destruction is coming...

    Anyone have any relatives working inside Goldman-Sachs?! Can we get an exact time on the corporatocracy blowout this time?!

    Investors, take notice...think in 3D. It's coming...again...

    Job = Journey Of The Broke.

    Keep 'em busy and broke and they won't have the resources to revolt.
