Thursday, June 23, 2011

As to Maureen Dowd....

Ms. Dowd, no doubt fever-fueled, loosed her scritchy-scratchy invectives against Abp. Tim Dolan over his insistence that nature demands fealty from the State of New York regarding gay "marriage."

George Weigel replied. Here's a bit:

...Ecclesiastes notwithstanding, there is something new under the sun in the annals of American anti-Catholicism; and that something is the rise of the anti-Catholic Catholics, self-described Catholics who make a career (or at least part of a career) out of mounting endless attacks on the Church, its settled beliefs, its leadership, and its people. Like the Nast/rationalist anti-Catholicism of the past, today’s Catholic anti-Catholicism is a left-of-center phenomenon that, in secular guise, often reflects the critiques of the Church mounted by so-called “Catholic progressives”: The Church is hopelessly sexist; the Church is hopelessly sex-obsessed; the Church is cruel to women and gays; the Church is hypocritical. And, of course and most recently, the Church is a global criminal conspiracy of child rapists and their abettors, which “fact” validates the other charges in the standing indictment just cited.

...Six times since February, and thrice in the past three weeks, Ms. Dowd has lifted her poison pen and, serially, mocked the Church’s practice of sacramental confession and its settled conviction on the inadmissibility of women to Holy Orders; portrayed the cases of abuse recently brought to light in Philadelphia as part of an ongoing pattern of crime in the Church; deplored the beatification of John Paul II on the grounds that he failed “to protect innocent children”; charged that the Vatican “preferred denial to remorse” and was deliberately stonewalling the reform of the Church in Ireland; mocked the conversion to Catholicism of former House Speaker Newt Gingrich while suggesting that prominent churchmen, who “have a fuzzy grasp on right and wrong,” had been Gingrich’s toadies; and then committed calumny against New York archbishop Timothy Dolan in a Fathers’ Day column that took anti-Catholic-bitchery-as-commentary to a new low.

Who KNEW that MoDo joined the bitchery-chorus? Will she have a shot at becoming a Justice on Wisconsin's Supreme Court?


  1. Oh, I get it! They're women, so they're bitchy! It's settled, why bother trying to discuss it?

  2. One fever-fueled scritchy scratch deserves another.

    And, of course, there's the predictable victimizzzation and self-loathing that follows whenever medieval Catholic dogma comes under scrutiny.

    So the Church "accepts" a thrice married philanderer and serial liar (and decries the "mocking" of his conversion to Catholicism) while bemoaning the "threat" to traditional marriage posed by same sex couples?


  3. FWIW, John, I understand that MoDo models her bitchiness on yours.

  4. Oh, I get it! They're women, so they're bitchy! It's settled, why bother trying to discuss it?

    No, there's nothing to discuss. Dowd is wrong. Period. It's not bitchiness, it's stupidity. No point in talking about fact and reality to an idiot.

    She doesn't like the Catholic Church, she can leave it. She's free to do so.

    She doesn't get to dictate to the rest of us how our church should operate and teach simply because she, like you, doesn't like those teachings.

  5. "She doesn't like the Catholic Church, she can leave it. She's free to do so."

    And tens of millions have done so over the last 500 years.

    Since Dowd's criticism of the AB pales in comparison to dad's anti-Obama rantings, should we be encouraging HIM to leave? After all, he's free to do so.

  6. Since Dowd's criticism of the AB pales in comparison to dad's anti-Obama rantings, should we be encouraging HIM to leave? After all, he's free to do so.

    Um, much more fiscally reasonable to join a different church than move out of a country.

    Besides, Obama's policies hurt lots of people while, in reality, the Catholic Church's teachings don't harm anyone...especially Dowd. And she knows it.
