Friday, April 22, 2011

Yep. "Pastor" Terry Jones Is Pretty Stupid

Koran-burner, narcissist, dumbass.

Police were called Thursday night after Koran-burning pastor Terry Jones accidentally discharged his firearm in the parking lot of a television station, where he had just conducted an interview, reported.

HT: Zippers


  1. Dad29:

    I would agree that he is careless, but if you read between the lines, he was not necessarily being stupid.

    The TV station has a policy prohibiting firearms. It looks like Terry Jones was re-arming in his car and something caught the trigger.

    While it is preventable, having to disarm dramatically increases the risk of this type of incident occurring.

    God bless!

  2. Terry Jones was re-arming in his car and something caught the trigger

    Yah, I read the article and came to the same conclusion: he re-armed with the safety off.

    So it's OBVIOUSLY the fault of the station. /sarcasm

  3. No, it's the fault of the gun...
