Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Ryan's Antagonists

You'll see some interesting.......ahhh.......people at about -0:45 on this video.

Didn't know that the Teamsters looked so hot in skirts, eh? Here's the rest of the story--that is, the part that Channel 6's newsteam did not cover:

...Outside of the event in Kenosha there were 50 to 75 protesters, mostly union members and liberal activists, including community organizers from the organization Community for Change who had dressed as 1920s millionaires and held signs thanking Ryan.

The small crowd eventually became raucous, as Ryan supporters began speaking up. A man who identified himself only as a Teamsters member ("I don't have a name," he told me) got in the face of a Ryan supporter.

"I will go to jail for you, man," the Teamsters member said to the Ryan supporter.

[Yes, that's a threat of assault and battery.]

"Officer, arrest this man," the Teamsters member then said to a police officer. "He's inciting a riot."

The police officer told the Teamsters member not to tell him what to do, and the Teamsters official responded by leaning into the police officer chanting for pay cuts to cops who "don't protect and serve."

"Back off!" yelled the police officer.

The rowdy scene caused Ryan to leave with a police escort out of another exit.

"Chickenshit!" yelled Ned Harper, president of the local SEIU chapter, upon hearing the news that Ryan was already gone.

I don't think that the MSM (here, Fox6) is necessarily "covering up" the threats and the identities/affiliations of the protesters.

But it sure would be nice if they went the distance and asked a few questions, wouldn't it?

HT: Insurrection


  1. "I will go to jail for you, man," the Teamsters member said to the Ryan supporter.

    [Yes, that's a threat of assault and battery.]

    Seriously??? IF they were threatening, menacing, instigating, etc., then you should be shaking their hands since that sort of thing is right up your alley!

  2. Whenever I think of Fox6 news, I think of that liberal blowhard Ted Perry. Not surprised at the coverage bias.

  3. Yeah, the media never reports it when a friend of a friend told his cousin who told me that there's this guy who often shouts "Buy more ammo."
