Tuesday, April 19, 2011

French (!!) Get It Right

We are re-assessing the French, (for which I generally had no use whatsoever.)

When New York artist Andres Serrano plunged a plastic crucifix into a glass of his own urine and photographed it in 1987 under the title Piss Christ, he said he was making a statement on the misuse of religion.

Controversy has followed the work ever since, but reached an unprecedented peak on Palm Sunday when it was attacked with hammers and destroyed after an "anti-blasphemy" campaign by French Catholic fundamentalists in the southern city of Avignon.

One doesn't have to be a 'fundie' to put garbage in the dump. One only needs common sense.



  1. Non! Vive le Croix!

  2. Oh yes don't let American carictures of the French (which we inherited from England which is typically much worse)fool you, while they are a minority, there is still a solid core of true Catholics in France.

    I think after the USA, France is the nation with the most Tridentine Masses.

  3. France is the nation with the most Tridentine Masses.

    Some of them are licit, too!

  4. Good for the future youth of France.

  5. Aww, cheering the violence once again.

  6. aren't you SSPX?
