Saturday, March 26, 2011

Lt Gov Kleefisch, Please Take a Call on Line One

Wouldn't THIS be fun?

The chairman and CEO of Peoria-based Caterpillar Inc. is raising the specter of moving the heavy equipment maker out of Illinois.

In a letter sent March 21 to Gov. Pat Quinn, Caterpillar chief executive officer Doug Oberhelman said officials in at least four other states have approached the company about relocating since Illinois raised its income tax in January.

Cat recently acquired a VERY nice office building in Oak Creek, along with a large facility in South Milwaukee.

Hint, hint, hint.


  1. You think any company would seriously look at coming to WI with the protests and recall kerfuffles still going on?

    I was back to visit the family a couple weekends ago and the whole vibe of the state is just... icky.

  2. I was back to visit the family a couple weekends ago and the whole vibe of the state is just... icky.

    Yeah, but it behooves us to remember who's make the vibe icky: leftists, Democrats, and their supporters.

    This vibe you are feeling (and I agree, it's negative) is how they prefer to govern, the politics which run their lives, and the way in which they would have us all live: kowtowing to them and putting up with their thuggish bullying.

    I prefer to operate without such fear, and I encourage businesses to come here and stand up to the fetid practices of the left. We stand up to them and eventually they go away the losers.

  3. You two are hilarious. Yes, the "vibe" started with Walker & Co.'s "We will not negotiate."

    And then there's Kleefisch herself. You think a CEO will take her seriously?

  4. Don't blame Walker for the fact the Democrats and Wisconsin left are petulant children. That's their fault.

    Scott Walker and the Republicans won. What's hilarious is your presumption that they have to negotiate just because Democrats are in the minority. Absolute comedic gold.

    As for Lt. Gov. Kleefisch, she picked up the phone and guess what? Catalyst Exhibits is now moving here. The President, Tim Roberts, says her call sealed the deal:

    Roberts admits he had been in touch with economic leaders in Kenosha County before the mid-term elections, but says a call from Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch sealed the deal.,0,3283786.story

    I know it's radical to the business-hating left, but telling employers you want them to stay and making sure you don't tax the living hell out of them works. It's a lesson Doyle and his cronies never seemed to learn.

  5. Foust just doesn't think that any man will take seriously a call from a woman LtGov.

  6. Hmmmmm. I'm pretty sure those emails that were released showed that the Governor was negotiating. The Dems were not going to give on anything. The political equivalent of holding your breath and stamping feet until they got their way. Even Tom Barrett said to pass the non-financials to end the stand-off.

    Foust is showing his hypocrite side.

  7. Call on line 2 from Gov. Brewer...

    Mr. Oberhelman, consider returning to Caterpillar's old proving grounds in Buckeye. We have plenty of land and will find you a place near Sub-Zero's new headquarters.

    Arizona is also eliminating our terrible 4.54% top income tax rate and establishing a 2.13% flat income tax...

  8. Foust, you are a tool.

    "Elections have consequences." - B. Hussein Obama

    The majority doesn't have to negotiate with the minority. That is the POINT.

    You tool.

  9. HB, WE have WATER.

    Cats need water.

  10. Daddio - Not much water is needed for a corporate HQ. The execs will benefit most from the flat tax and the corporation will benefit from the lower property tax.

  11. As nice as it would be to see CAT move into the recently vacated plant in Janesville or say any other large vacant manufacturing facility with the "For Sale - Doyle Realty" sign on it, I think that it is more likely that IL. and CAT will strike a deal to stay in Peoria....They may be pretty stupid and corrupt in IL gov, but they can't be that stupid. Also, a move across the border to the Mt. Joy, IA plant they vacated in the mid 80's would make more sense as a fair amount of the workforce could commute (albeit a long commute)

    and Foust.....stfu you lost.

  12. It would be virtually impossible for Cat to move all its manufacturing out of Illinois.

    We'll settle for the HQ.

    Maybe Janesville for a smaller op, like their crawlers--b/c Janesville has lotsa nearby potential suppliers and lotsa vacant industrial space to house them.

  13. Hmmmm. You know that CAT workers are represented by the UAW. Suddenly all you conservatives love labor unions?

  14. Does anyone want to curbstomp John Foust?

  15. IIRC, Michael, CAT is in the private sector.

    IOW, the union cannot hold a gun to the heads of the people who pay them.

  16. More violence from the right, with tacit support by the one and only Dad29!

  17. So why hasn't our legislature operated in this fashion in the past when the one party dominated? Where are the norms?

  18. You know, I think these trolls pulling "Hit and Run" comment bombing are one and the same as "Toolbox" Foust.

    Just a thought....

  19. Thanks DCS - great window into your mind.

  20. Nope, totally different anonys, Disgruntled. The 4:45 a.m. "person" is absolutely insane, so glad you admonished him.

    Yours truly spouts off on a semi-regular basis, hardly troll material.

  21. I post under my real name. Always have. Why don't you? What benefit would I receive for posting anonymous threats against myself? You think I'd gain sympathy by doing so?
