Glad you asked. There IS a pattern in Obama's 'rebel-support' action (or in-action.)
Of the multiple rebellions now going on across the Arab world, the one with most potential to damage American interests is in Egypt, with Yemen perhaps a close second. The revolt with the most potential to advance American interests is taking place in Syria. Strangely, the Obama administration has taken a negative attitude toward that uprising, apparently on the inexplicable ground that it considers Assad a "reformer."
And of course, there's the Iranian kerfuffle, studiously ignored by Obama for a couple of weeks--after which Obama came forth and offered....nothing... to the rebels.
Now it appears that the Obama Regime expects Qaddafy to bail out of Libya in the next month or so; one of the Obozo sycophants is claiming that 'all the rebellions in the Middle East are a result of Obama's words,' beginning with the Cairo speech of a couple years back.
Some rebellions are good: those which (most likely) will endanger US interests in the Middle East. Others--not so good. Let the Iranian demonstrators be killed, like the Sudanese. Too bad.
On the other hand, if we are reasonably certain that the Bad Guy will abscond (see: Qaddafy), then by all means, engage!
And lie about "boots on the ground," too. Wouldn't want to explain that to Congress or the citizens, now, would we?
The Syrians have actually been rather good to the Christian minority there.