Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Is M.U. Doubling Down on Stupid?

Seems like Marquette University just loves to be in the news.

A while back, their light shone forth with the news of an upcoming "Vagina Monologues" doing. McAdams mentioned it, because it fits so well into the "Catholic charism" ......not.

Then came Marquette's announcement that they would become material cooperators in at least a few immoral activites with their "partner health insurance" plan.

THEN the news breaks that there were some alleged sexual assaults.

NOW McAdams advises that there will be a "meeting" to discuss his blog-cum-professoring. Seems that it's all a certain Provost (who also has problems understanding room-scheduling complexity.)

Well, OK. You like to be in the headlines. We get it.

HT: Patrick


  1. One also wonders why no Extraordinary Form Masses have been permitted at Marquette since the one that happened in 2009.

  2. Anon: an Extraordinary Form Mass at Marquette would really be extraordinary!

  3. I wonder how all this is playing with their alumni. My guess is that generation is increasingly aware that they graduated from a very different school then what 'Marquette' has become.

  4. Poor St. Ignatius must be rolling over in his grave over what has become of the Jesuits and the schools they run.

  5. GOR; here is a youtube video with some clips of the one (1) extraordinary form Mass to take place at MU...

    Feel free to contact MU and ask why no more have been permitted (hint: it is not for lack of requests by students, nor is it for lack of a Priest willing and able to offer the Mass.)

  6. Wow, that professor is quite obsessed with vagina-talk, isn't he? If someone emailed him, and he didn't respond within a certain number of hours, how long should they wait before they people-finder him to get his home phone number?
