Tuesday, March 22, 2011

"Ethics" of Nukes Now in Play (Natch)

One could paste a few highlights from the predictably LeftOWacky Catholic News Service article.

But it's easier to sum it for you: when you get to the end of the article, you realize that NO power-generation method is "ethically fine" unless it's wind and/or solar.

Fortunately, the usual suspects (Reese, SJ, e.g.) provide plenty of wind.


  1. Any chance they considered the morality of insufficient or unaffordable energy?

  2. some of australia's problems with green party:

  3. woo hoo! wind will save us (said the politician-ironically)....wait....the wind isn't blowing today....no tv, no computer, no refrigeration, no lights and before the sun goes down, I better get a shovel and go out and dig that outhouse hole....well maybe self reliance and sufficiency (the real stuff not the mother earth news stuff) will make a comeback.....hard to look on the bright side when the lights are out....
